FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. What would you be doing with your free time if there was no FunAdvice?
  2. How do you dislike something on Funadvice?
  3. Can anyone view the mature questions section?
  4. Can you have "Friends" on FA?
  5. What do you do in FA other than giving advices, asking questions, sharing updates?
  6. How long does it take to get a payment?
  7. When you request funds from here & it says " payment is currently pending" does that mean they havent even sent it yet?
  8. How do you post a vidoe a a status update?
  9. How come none of my more popular questions aren't getting any points?
  10. how much is 1 point on here worth in cash?
  11. Does anyone else have the problem where you have alerts, and you click on them, but it refuses to show them to you?
  12. how do you out a youtube vidoe on here ?
  13. What does it mean when you try to answer a question, and you get the message "question is not available for answers", or something like that?
  14. Is the slot number the same as the channel id when updating your adsense in your setting?
  15. Why do people think they can make a living on this site?
  16. Why the more controversial the question, the more points you get?
  17. How do u unflag a question?
  18. Why can't the funmail put the most resent message on top?
  19. Do we no longer get points for tips?
  20. How do they normally inform users if the site has changed?
  21. Is this website going under any renovations soon?
  22. How does the site selected suggested members?
  23. When cashing ur points in do u use ur username to have a checked mailed or do you use your real name when filling out the form?
  24. Is there anyway to stop following a question(details will make more sense)?
  25. Which do you feel gets more answers:questions or status updates?
  26. why does it say "permalink invalid" when i tried to comment on a photo?
  27. How has my recent 'How To' had 6 views, except it is still pending and not on the How To page yet?
  28. Why do some people have 22 or 20 points even though we all have 25 poins when we sign up?
  29. How do i make my profile private?
  30. does the FunAdvice check show your questions?
  31. Do people get points when you like their comment in the "status update" section?
  32. Why do we get YOU ARE AWSOME sign when our questions turn into statue updates?
  33. why is it when i upload a picture a red cross appears on it??
  34. Which category does questions about the law, court, etc... belong in?
  35. How can I use a picture of movie stars, models, or rock bands for my profile picture?
  36. What is the weirdest question ever asked on here?
  37. Who is a member on FA since 2003?
  38. When does your age change from over 15 years old, to nearly 16 years old?
  39. How could you make people "LIKE" your comment?
  40. why cant i see the advice that i got for my question that i asked yesterday ?
  41. What determines how many FunAdvice points you get for an answer to a question?
  42. Where can we offer constructive criticism for this website?
  43. who just have me points annoymously???
  44. How do admins on here detect fraud in the points systems?
  45. What time do you usually go on Fun Advice?
  46. What size and format should a picture be to create a 'Tip' on this site?
  47. Where is the login button?
  48. Do you get payed alot when you become an Advisor?
  49. How can I keep my ONLINE FRIENDS here?
  50. why can't we say duplicate questions?
  51. Do you have to be a certain age, or have a certain amount of points to become a FA adviser?
  52. What do advisors do here on FA?
  53. how does fun advice get money to pay us?
  54. Why can we see ''MY QUESTIONS'' in our profles but we cant see ''MY ANSWERS''?
  55. What all have you learned from being on FunAdvice so far?
  56. How do you delete your profile picture on fun advice?
  57. What do I do when every time I click a specific question in this site, I get logged out?
  58. How do u get a profile picture 2 work on this site?
  59. how can you see that questions that you posted earlier?
  60. Does having a lot of followers have any relevance?
  61. How much does it annoy you when people use a condescending tone to their advice?
  62. What does black Friday mean to you?
  63. How do you edit a question on this website after you've written it?
  64. Why does this site suggest updates get faster answers than questions?
  65. when people look at your picture that u post on line do they treat u different?
  66. Are the points for rewarding set automatically?
  67. Why do people feel the need to point out OBVIOUS things about each other?
  68. How many How To articles do you write a day?
  69. How do you post your question and problem?
  70. What's the diff. b/w twitter and funadvice besides the population?
  71. how come when i posted a video i cant watch it ?
  72. How do you make the links to a person's profile on your profile?
  73. Can you edit the thumbnail of a picture for your profile picture?
  74. Are there other people like Jeremy and Colleen?
  75. Who determines that my questions (despite being supreme comedic genius) are worthy of exile from FA?
  76. What does that mean if u cant log into ur funadvice account.
  77. How come yesterday i logged on and i had 31 points and today io logged on and i have 27 points again?
  78. Why do my points go down whenever i update my profile?
  79. What if you are 13 on this site, how do they pay you for your points?
  80. When funadvice users refer to themselves as "we", what does that mean exactly?
  81. how do i know if i claimed for my points or not, and if they have gone into my paypal?
  82. When I send an email, how much personal information could the reciever potentially have acess too?
  83. is it possible to lose points on fun advice and why do you?
  84. What happens if I get 10.00 on funadvice, but dont know how to get it?
  85. how to differentiate status updates from questions when asking them and looking for them on this site?
  86. Why did this site automatically assume that I am straight?
  87. What does spamming the board mean when you just have alot of questions you wonder that ARE queestions?
  88. Why does funlink delete my questions?
  89. Where can I find my referral link in funadvice?
  90. What will happen if I post something funny like a joke on this feed?
  91. Does anyone else seem to notice a group/mob mentality on FunAdvice for certain things?
  92. What happens if a user likes his/her own answer?
  93. How long does it take the advisors and admins to approve a How-To created by users?
  94. Are we allowed to give our own points to members if they have a birthday as a gift?
  95. why does this website have some kind of a FB set up?
  96. What is the best advice you've ever given or recieved?
  97. Do you think answers using Google are appropriate on this site?
  98. Is there a way I can find out how I lose points on FA?
  99. Why cant you come back here if you ask for your acount to be deleted?
  100. Can an admin go on anyones account?
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