How many How To articles do you write a day?

To the writers out there… I try to write at least 10 and save them to my computer. This way I can ad them to revenue share sites. How many do you write?

Answer #1

i try to do one a day or one every couple days..

Answer #2


Answer #3

I write a couple a week for here and I write about 20-30 articles a week for other sites and jobs I have

Answer #4

Nice. I write for DS where do you write?

Answer #5

I also write editorial reviews for my job at

Answer #6

I write articles on Factoidz (and then repost on Bukisa and Wikinut) and I recently got a job from “People Per hour” writing all the pet articles for a new Pet website. I also occassionally will publish poetry and short stories on Triond and Wkikinut.

Answer #7

Only 1 so far since this new format started. Do not see the point on posting “how tos” just to get the points and having multiple “how tos’’ from the same persons fill the whole page, I think it is over exposing yourself on this site, except of course it is Colleen, as it is part of her job to generate interesting “how tos”.

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