Parents & Family Questions

  1. searching for my father
  2. My parents still try to control every single thing I do
  3. I think my dad will take the baby..
  4. Parents wit bi/lesbian/gay kids??
  5. Why wud yu yu make your kid not have a girl/boyfriend?
  6. Grounded for life
  7. Revenge ideas?
  8. They call me and say he die
  9. So my mom ran
  10. Growing up and being mature
  11. Mom is dieing little by little
  12. Hate my step dad
  13. Dating and parent 0.0 please help me
  14. how do you get your stubbern Dad to let you get a puppy?
  15. How can I convince my mom to let me get another piercing?
  16. What do you have to do to move in with yr grandparnets???
  17. Marine Corps Families
  18. Step daughter hates me
  19. Dissing my friends
  20. Dad with a attitude
  21. How do I tell mum I want to live with my dad?
  22. How do I tell them?
  23. How can I stop my life from falling apart?
  24. Your own legal guardian at 17?
  25. Am I a freak for liking my soon-to-be relative?
  26. What is the legal age to move out in Kansas?
  27. How can I get my family to stop talking about my period?
  28. How to ask your mom for pads?
  29. How do I tell my mom that I'm just not hungry?
  30. Move into brother in laws house without parental concent?
  31. My aunt had a heart attack and is now driving? What should I dooo?
  32. How do I handle my dad not letting me see my crush?
  33. Do felons give up their rights to being a heir?
  34. Who here has dated behind their parents back?
  35. Six little dogs what is wrong with them?
  36. I haven't seen my mom since I was a baby, what do I do?
  37. How can I find out what is wrong with my niece?
  38. What's an excuse to not go to our mom's friend's party?
  39. I'm afraid of my dad hitting me, what do I do?
  40. How can I deal with my parents putting me in the middle?
  41. My mom hates me.
  42. She continues to ask my girlfriend to go to these parties.
  43. How can I get my dad to break up with his girlfriend?
  44. Why can't my mom just accept her?
  45. Live at home or move out?
  46. What should I do? My life is hell.
  47. how do I get through to my mom?
  48. Do I need to call the police???
  49. Adopted?
  50. Why do I feel like my dad dosent want me anymore
  51. Parents won't let me live in there house
  52. Moving out
  53. What shall I do when my daughter is dating a loser
  54. My mum just wont accept that my problem needs medication
  55. Drama with grandma!help me out!
  56. Drunkenness
  57. Brother found out
  58. step daughter
  59. Does my dad hate me? (serious)
  60. Can I move out at the age 16???
  61. I just changed my mind, I rellyy do want to go to albania : (
  62. How do I deal with my mum?
  63. I want a kid with him he said not yet
  64. How do I ask parents to be homeschooled?
  65. Do you have a family like this.
  66. Girlfriends parents
  67. talking to my mom about her husband please adults advise
  68. How do I get them to back off?
  69. Lifted trucks and dirty sllutts
  70. Guardian papers
  71. Now I know whats wrong with my dad :(
  72. Since they been gone
  73. When I'm older... All I want is a family...
  74. have you ever gotten kicked out of your parents house?
  75. Mom Probz in pennsylvania can I move out at 17?
  76. surena nicknames
  77. Great-Grandmother.
  78. does my mom not like me anymore?
  79. My mom
  80. My Mom Might Be Getting Sued
  81. Trust issue for going on spring break
  82. Finding Family
  83. Am I the wrong one?
  84. I told a HUGE lie and now I need help. I can't tell the truth.
  85. stepmama trouble
  86. how do I tell my dentist im pregnant can I say it over the phone?
  87. how to tell my my I want to see a therapist?
  88. my parents are over joyed about the new baby
  89. How can I make my mom stop doing this?
  90. How can I approach my cousins to start conversation?
  91. how to search for my dad for free online?
  92. How can I get guardianship or custody of my brother?
  93. How to get back at dad?
  94. Is there a way to get my mom to give me more allowance?
  95. I lied to my dad, what should I do?
  96. how do I get my rents to let me go to boyfriend's house?
  97. how do I get my mom to let me wear pants?
  98. Why is my dad always so angry with me?
  99. How To Tell My Mom What's Going On
  100. my mother,,,