how do I get through to my mom?

PLEASE READ!!! I don’t know what to do anymore..she says she has know money yet every other week she goes and spends like 20 something dollars to do her nails, she buys cigarettes like every day, she buys herself a coffee every morning and afternoon…and I get ticked off because we have NO FOOD at ALL in my grandmother buys us stuff once and awhile I feel like where a charity everyone always has to buy things fer us like last week my grandma baught some groceries and that same day more then half of it was gone because my moms boyfriend and my brother are so inconsiderate and greedy they dont think about everyone else who has to eat in the house. we have nothing yet she always has money fer her sh*t and when I tell her something about it I get yelled at because according to her im “disrespecting”..? I dont even wanna deal with her or her low life boyfriend anymore idunno how the hell to get through to her about anything because shes always miserable and bxtching about something, if its not one thing its another..-_- how can I explain to her how I feel without her bxtching at me.?

Answer #1

if your are 15 or older I would advise you to get a job. That way you aren’t at home most of the time, and you become self sufficient bc it seems like you can’t rely on your mom. Also this will give you money for things for yourself that you’d like to eat, but keep it in your room so no one else can get to it. This brakes my heart bc I’m a dental hygienist who sees this all the time in our practice. Where children come in dirty and in poorly fitting clothes but the moms have their nails done and the latest and greatest cell phones. You won’t be able to get through to her bc and her mind she deserves the things she’s doing for herself. Another option would be to go to your grandma and explain the situation and maybe you could move in with her or she could help explain it to your mom. I’m sure she’s not happy with what your mom is doing either, and the only reason she prob helps out is for you and your brothers benefit.

Answer #2

You need to get out of there. It’s going to make you more and more miserable and depressed, not to mention unsafe. You need to be eating properly and not be around a smoker as passive smoking can cause you damage. Sometimes even though we love them because they are our parents - they are not the good people that they are supposed to be. I don’t know how old you are, but can you get a job and save some money for yourself without her knowing? Parents are supposed to support their children and provide for them. It’s not fair, but if she isnt doing that you need to figure out an alternative.

Answer #3

wassup love, its evident your mams immature to the fullest along with your brother and her boyfriend, I doubt theres any getting to her its sad to see ya going thru this lifestyle, what you can do is if your nannys not livin in the same house as you move in with her, tell your nanny to talk to her daughter, just wait till you turn 18 and move out and live by your rules and just forget about your mam, shes totally spoiled out honestly, lots of love x

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