Questions & Answers

  1. Should I dump my boyfriend of 1 year?
  2. What do the Bible, the Qur'an, and the Tora have in common?
  3. Is it bad to have multiple headaches everyday?
  4. What are your favorite Cookies to make?
  5. How come I can't download specific browsers using Unbuntu Mint?
  6. How to not be so shy and embarrasssed in the bedroom?
  7. How do I get songs from Spotify to sync to my iPod Nano?
  8. FunAdvice Trivia: The first child of English parentage, Virginia Dare, was born in which state?
  9. Is there a way to stop spam from coming to my cell phone?
  10. If you had to leave your house/flat in a hurry, and could only take one item, what would it be?
  11. Would you pay to see a hologram of your favorite dead celebrities?
  12. Why do I tear up so easily?
  13. What in the world did I just do??
  14. What's the worst thing your pet has done?
  15. Is it bad to eat a lot of cabbage?
  16. What's your current 'calm down and relax' song?
  17. Can you use soy milk as a substitute for milk when making pasta sauces?
  18. Is it normal for this much hair to fall out after dying it?
  19. Which "superhero" is more pathetic - Batman or Iron Man?
  20. What do you think of the tank top I made from a old t-shirt?
  21. How to scan drawings into a mac computer?
  22. Is the Internet our version of Skynet?
  23. What should I do if I shaved my facial hair?
  24. How much does a wireless router cost?
  25. What would make a character interesting in a horror movie?
  26. Why do I see Drew's picture in the FunMail sent to me by someone else?
  27. What happens when you spray paint on top of paint?
  28. Why do I have a light spot on my nipple?
  29. How do you change your age on your profile?
  30. What is the difference between the words "diagnosed" and "treated"?
  31. Is it normal for your hands to sweat so much they drip even when it isn't that hot and you aren't nervous or scared?
  32. Do you think it's normal for people to cheat?
  33. How long does it take to grow hair dye out?
  34. Is it true that male cats don't chase mice?
  35. What is the meaning of acquittal?
  36. FunAdvice Trivia: With 986 points, who finished a distant 2nd to Wayne Gretzky's 1,837 points scored in the 10-year period of the 1980's?
  37. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Roast Beef Tenderloin in Red Wine
  38. Why doesn't FunAdvice work when I use Mozilla Firefox?
  39. How can I help my (almost) 5 year old girl stop wearing diapers at night time?
  40. What can I do to help my ex-boyfriend who's bulimic?
  41. Where do you go if you want to see houses in your town for sale?
  42. What are two good teenage girl names that are good for a horror story?
  43. Is there any way for me to be ready for pull ups tomorrow?
  44. What shoe size am I in mens If I wear a shoe size 10 in womens?
  45. When do I start planting?
  46. What to do if I hate my letterman?
  47. Is smoking one pack of cigarettes a week better than the average smoker?
  48. What does it take to make a long distance relationships work?
  49. What can too much sugar in your diet do to your body in the long run?
  50. Who sings the song "We Are Young"?
  51. Why do I feel the constant urge to pee? And why is there blood in it?
  52. FunAdvice Trivia: What fantasy author wrote THE SHIP WHO SANG?
  53. Are there any workwear websites that carry bibs and coveralls for women that will send to Canada?
  54. What are some cute date ideas for me and my boyfriend for our four month anniversary?
  55. Do you guys think the word "baby" or "babe" should be reserved for couples only?
  56. What is an "alto saxophone finish"?
  57. How can I get my best friend and boyfriend to like each other?
  58. How many cups of water are in a regular-sized water bottle?
  59. What are some interesting myths and legends about horses?
  60. When should I start applying for financial assistance for college?
  61. Is flouride in toothpaste good or not?
  62. Who invented street signs?
  63. How do I make my screen lighter?
  64. How can I put weight on if I have a thyroid problem?
  65. Who made the rule that girls had to shave their legs and guys didn't?
  66. If a man and a woman share a bed is the man supposed to have the side closest to the door, if so why?
  67. Does it have to be a specific cable to hook up the printer or it can be any USB?
  68. What are the POSITIVE medical effects of pot on the body?
  69. Is it alright to date a girl who's pregnant?
  70. Do you think that 'every' woman should have a right to give birth?
  71. When you look at someone what's the first thing you look at?
  72. Where can I find a dis-assembly guide for the Advent 4214?
  73. How would you wear hightop converse with skinny jeans?
  74. Can dogs who are in season or has just had puppies drink their own milk?
  75. FunAdvice Trivia: What nation leads the world in the annual number of toaster deaths?
  76. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Chicken Parmesan Pasta Salad
  77. Why do I get sick when I don't eat for awhile?
  78. Why are my eyes shaking like this?
  79. Why are people from other countries constantly offended when (North) Americans don't know much about their country, history, etc.?
  80. What was everything like when FunAdvice was originally made?
  81. What's the difference between steel and stainless steel?
  82. How can I dye my hair from dark brown/black to light ash brown?
  83. Why does my nose keep bleeding?
  84. Is it possible to add words to a dog tag with a soldering gun/iron?
  85. What's with the "instant advice" thing when you first get to this website?
  86. What is a good color to paint my toes on tan skin and dark features?
  87. Who loves Cat and her shoes in each episode of Victorious?
  88. Who are your favorite YouTubers?
  89. What websites do people actually use currently that I can find musician/band partners on?
  90. What should I play with my little brother and cousin?
  91. Do you agree that someone with good cognitive skills (smart) will have less sick leave?
  92. Why did Ringo Starr leave the Beatles for a brief period in 1968?
  93. Would an incomplete shape be a line?
  94. What is true freedom to you?
  95. Why do babies die in the mother's womb?
  96. What's the difference between a pyschologist and a counselor?
  97. How old do you have to be to get paid to perform at a bar?
  98. Could someone tamper/add something to my food to cause me to vomit afterward?
  99. What is a US size 5 in England?
  100. What will happen if I stop drinking milk?