Questions & Answers

  1. Is it good or bad to have the AC running during a thunderstorm?
  2. Is it normal to randomly miss a period while on the Nuvaring (more)?
  3. Who are some of your favorite UK artists/bands?
  4. Why do people dislike America?
  5. Does it sound like I have cysts on my ovaries? (read more)
  6. Are you a spender or a saver?
  7. What is the best way to get Instagram famous?
  8. Is it possible that water fluoridation has other purposes?
  9. Can someone in prison co-sign for a car if he has good credit?
  10. Is it sensible to leave home if you are terribly unhappy there?
  11. How can one relate to the prophet Jeremiah?
  12. What is the point of this no holding hands law?
  13. Is there any way that the god Horus and Jesus were the same?
  14. What would you do if you were president or has some high power/control in the world?
  15. Is it possible to cry so much and so hard that you black out?
  16. Why would anybody make a big deal about Edgar Allan Poe marrying his cousin Virginia?
  17. What kind of relatives we would be?
  18. Why has our new puppy suddenly started ignoring my partner?
  19. Is it bad to talk to the sky *God* when I feel depressed?
  20. Is your area in desperate need of rain? Do you, (read more)
  21. Who invented the lightning conductor?
  22. Is it true that if a man kills his wife when he found out she cheated on him, he can get out of his charges because he was in a rage?
  23. What do you think about vaccines and autism?
  24. Is my ear lobe piercing infected? (read more)
  25. Could drinking green tea and its benefits be a persuasive speech?
  26. How to stop inactive Sims on Sims 3 from having babies?
  27. If you shave a one-year old baby's hair, would it grow back thicker?
  28. What is the best interview with One Direction?
  29. Is there any pre-paid phone that can download the app for Skype?
  30. Has anyone seen Trapped in the Closet, the movie?
  31. Would this hair color look okay on a black girl? (photo link)
  32. Where could I find safe (non-toxic to animals) paint?
  33. Where can I get my phone screen fixed?
  34. Is it possible to straighten my lashes?
  35. Is one's hieght the same as one's arm span?
  36. What's your favorite mascara brand and color?
  37. What can we NOT put on this website?
  38. Does anyone have a contraceptive coil?
  39. What are some qualifications to be a part of the CIA?
  40. How well does sunflower oil work to make you tan?
  41. What else do you put on a cheesesteak?
  42. Is the Chernobyl area still empty or can people live there now?
  43. What are the best Islamic colleges in the world?
  44. What kinds of office jobs are there?
  45. How comfortable is an inflatable mattress?
  46. What are some words that make you cringe?
  47. What are your thoughts on Jerry Sandusky being found guilty?
  48. Is there anything I can do other than just stay off of my foot to help my heel heal?
  49. Can I move out of my parent's house if I'm 17 and turning 18 in October?
  50. If you're 18 and working, could you claim your 2 smaller cousins?
  51. How can I speed up my child support?
  52. What can I say to persuade my audience that Facebook is a problem?
  53. Can you wiggle your toes individually?
  54. When you're done pooping, do you wipe standing up or sitting down?
  55. How much is nori usally?
  56. What do you think of the movie Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter?
  57. What shampoo would you recommend?
  58. Which is better for a diet - white chicken meat or white turkey meat?
  59. What is a "mopar"?
  60. Is it weird to not know if you want to live or die?
  61. Is it true that the more bubbles a shampoo produces the worse it is for your hair?
  62. Do you think it's offensive if I write in my presentation that my problem is Facebook?
  63. Is it bad that I 'dislike' rich people?
  64. What do I do if I think my mom had a miscarriage?
  65. Did you know that the old lady on the bus got half a million dollars in donations?
  66. How long does it take to get a driver's license in United States?
  67. What else can cause stomach cramps other than your period?
  68. How to change your ringtone on Samsung Galaxy 3?
  69. Why can't we swallow toothpaste?
  70. What is an appropriate outfit to wear to a Bar Mitzvah?
  71. Why is it that whenever someone tries to attach a photo is doesnt show up?
  72. How do you celebrate your 4th of July?
  73. Does anyone have any suggestions for what to name my new art blog on Tumblr?
  74. How many cuts do you feel you need before you decide to stop?
  75. What graphing tablet do I need to get for my computer?
  76. FunAdvice Trivia: In the chorus to 'Sandy', by Bruce Springsteen, what is rising behind us?
  77. What's the point of going to the beach if you don't go in the water?
  78. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Chinese Fried Rice
  79. How can I write my Grade 10 English Provisional with flare?
  80. What cat shampoo helps with dry skin and dandruff that I can buy at Target/Walmart/Petsmart?
  81. Is there anything that can treat arthritis?
  82. How long does it take you to do your makeup every day?
  83. Is it bad to eat raw cookie dough?
  84. Can birth control help cramps?
  85. Do rompers look cute on people with short legs?
  86. How do I know if I am a sociopath?
  87. Which political party is messing up the most and why?
  88. How much would it cost to care for a chinchilla every month?
  89. If you're a woman who dealt with morning sickness during pregnancy, can you answer a few questions? (read more)
  90. Who doesn't believe in evolution?
  91. Do you think Astrology is a valid subject?
  92. Do you feel that Obama's use of executive privilege in the Fast and Furious scandal makes him look guilty?
  93. What are some of your favorite styling products?
  94. Can someone help summarize Jeremiah 31 to Jeremiah 52 to me?
  95. Do you think cheerleading is a sport?
  96. Is my Gucci bag fake?
  97. What size stretched ears is good for a girl?
  98. How long does it take for water pills to work?
  99. What can I do to treat these mosquito bites?
  100. Whose album are you looking forward to OR what album do you like that's recently been released?