Questions & Answers

  1. Where can you buy a lighter if you're under 18 in Canada?
  2. Does it look weird if you stretch your ears and have a cartilage stud?
  3. When in the inner city and buying cigarettes, do you think they always card people?
  4. Is it better to do whatever you want through compulsion or think twice about everything?
  5. What is your favourite kind of apple?
  6. What is California's sales tax?
  7. How do I get over feeling guilty about a lie?
  8. Can indoor rabbits go out in snow?
  9. What do you have to say about the supreme court upholding Obamacare?
  10. How much would it cost me to get health insurance with the Obamacare?
  11. Does the facial product OXY work for you?
  12. Do you find it hard to keep eye contact when conversing?
  13. Why do I keep getting shaky?
  14. Does anyone here watch Doctor Who?
  15. Should I be suspcious if a guy wants a picture of me late at night?
  16. When looking through news articles, what would be considered global and what would be considered international?
  17. FunAdvice Trivia: The 'SS Central America' sank in a Hurricane off the U.S.
  18. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Maple Bacon Buttermilk Pancakes
  19. What are your thoughts on the US government making people get health insurance or face penalties?
  20. What is a good ingame recording software that can pause and edit?
  21. Why does everyone want to start dating at 11, 12, 13 these days?
  22. Did Lil Kim get skin lightening treatment?
  23. What are the other uses for petroleum jelly besides using it on rashes?
  24. Do you feel like humans are way more desensitized now?
  25. When you get a wax does that mean the hair won't ever grow back?
  26. How do I decide to get either a chinchilla or a sugar glider?
  27. When will people realize that there is no magic pill against obesity?
  28. How to make 12 gauges go all the way through easily?
  29. What special do you think is better this weekend - McDonald's or Burger King?
  30. Why did Burger King take out the Italian chicken sandwich?
  31. Why does it say I'm logged out when I go to the home screen?
  32. What's the most interesting thing in your life at this moment in time?
  33. Do zombies ever starve to death?
  34. Do zombies like rain?
  35. What can I say to my parents regarding my bad report card?
  36. What is the difference among single, twin, king, and queen size mattresses?
  37. Would you rather have super strength or super intelligence?
  38. Which is better to buy - cage or cage free chicken eggs?
  39. What size tattoo should I get? (read more)
  40. Is it me or does Skrillex's songs all sound the same?
  41. Do you still believe in Santa?
  42. Why are girl protagonists in YA books so whiny?
  43. FunAdvice Trivia: Who was the voice of Twiki on BUCK ROGERS IN THE 25th CENTURY?
  44. Can anybody find me a heavy metalcore/post-hardcore/ect. band with all of these elements?
  45. Can I go to the doctor and get a pill that will help me sleep without a doctor's prescription?
  46. How many copies of the Bible existed at the time of Ahab c 850 BCE?
  47. How do people get diabetes?
  48. What are some bad things about sex stories??
  49. How do I stop my vagina from smelling like rotten fish?
  50. What is your opinon on Minecraft and why is it good or bad?
  51. What are your pet peeves?
  52. How could I make living with strict, protective parents easier?
  53. Is cake bad for you skin?
  54. Does anyone know any good weight loss tips or diets that you have tried and they have worked?
  55. How can I make someone see that they are causing their own problems?
  56. How do I check to see if my license is suspended?
  57. How can I relieve a migraine?
  58. How long after a dog has conceived will she start producing breast milk?
  59. How do I get "skater hair?"
  60. What's a great college for music performance?
  61. whats on your bucket list?
  62. Would you go skydiving or bungee jumping?
  63. Did you like 21 Jump Street movie?
  64. How often do you go check out people's profiles just to be checking them out?
  65. Do guys like girls with wide shoulders?
  66. Is it bad that I have really wide shoulders?
  67. Does anyone know any good music which gets you going and all excited? (Read more!)
  68. What are some good schools to go to for a degree in music production?
  69. How to stop back and neck ache/pain?
  70. Why do people use FunAdvice and not Google?
  71. Is it safe to take 2 water pills a day?
  72. How do you make your own healthy salad dressing; do you have any recipes?
  73. Is there a website where I can see what the offspring will be of any animal whether possible or impossible to breed?
  74. How do I stop thinking about almost getting kidnapped (read more)?
  75. Why do I keep getting this dry/scratchy/hot feeling on the roof of my mouth (towards the back)?
  76. What do you put on spaghetti?
  77. What can I do to stop feeling light-headed and sick during my period?
  78. Would you pay $60 for a sweater if you were absolutely in love with it?
  79. Is 3 hours sleep worth it?
  80. FunAdvice Trivia: Which city had the first subway system?
  81. Is it just me or are we all complex?
  82. How can I get into a good college with a GED and no college fund?
  83. What else does the US do that the rest of the world doesn't?
  84. What is your driving force in life?
  85. Can I wear a bra and underwear as a bikini?
  86. Is it bad that I'm taller than my boyfriend?
  87. What do models do when they are over the standard weight and told to lose it in 5 days?
  88. Would ombre hair look good on me?
  89. Does anyone know how to sign out of Skype on your Macbook pro laptop?
  90. Could oral contraceptives be the cause of my kidney infection?
  91. Why do people go crazy about herpes?
  92. Where can I get the "Listen and Move" song by Greg & Steve mp3 download?
  93. What's the average height and weight for a teenage girl?
  94. Are we all now vassals of the central banks?
  95. How to get a roundoff in gymnastics?
  96. Are there entirely black ferrets for pets?
  97. How much money do I need to become a gastrologist?
  98. What does "kuluchi" mean in Spanish?
  99. Which is more important in your opinion - senior prom or graduation?
  100. FunAdvice Trivia: What insect is the most dangerous and responsible for more human deaths than any other?