Is it better to do whatever you want through compulsion or think twice about everything?

Answer #1

It really depends on the situation i.e. if your decision could negatively effect others. Yeah, some things you should think ‘should I really do this?’ but other times just go for it. It’s finding the line between doing what you want to do and not coming across as a bit of a reckless idiot :P

Answer #2

Most the times thinking twice is your best option. Thinking through your options so you won’t have to go through ugly consequences is optimal most the times. Of course at times when you just want to have fun acting through compulsion isn’t exactly horrible so long as it isn’t entirely stupid. Something like the random compulsion to go sky diving for a birthday is fun but a little thought is needed there, I mean you’re not going to actually jump out a plane yourself, a little thought is needed for the gear, perhaps an expert to take you.

Answer #3

Considering + and - of the situation alway wise…..never ‘just do it’……

Answer #4

Think twice.

Answer #5

i think it is better to think twice. my first impulse is always a mad one but when i think twice i come up with a calm and witty response which makes you the bigger and smarter person

Answer #6

i would say think twice

Answer #7

It depends on the person.some can’t handle doing what they want and some really shouldn’t think it has been said it also depends on the situation.some people procrastinate worry and get on other peoples nerves because they can’t make up there minds and that got started by them thinking twice about decisions.other people wind up in lots of trouble from lack of self discipline which started as a simple thought”I’m not gonna care I’m just gonna do what I want so I think no matter what your personality is like everyone should have a little bit of both because every situation calls for a different solution.

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