Answer #1

Skydiving.. My biggest dream of all time! Meeting Notch, he’s the creator of Minecraft♥ Getting laid….. Moving to America, or somewhere with beautiful weather where I can ride! Meet Zooey Deschannel.. Omg she is HOOOOOOOT! I would love to spend the day with Spider Monkeys.. They are adorable:3 I have a few more on my list but I don’t want to bore you xD! What’s on yours? :)

Answer #2

haha yes skydiveing and meeting notch are defineately up there. hmm probably driveing a buggati veyron, flying a helicopter, chilling with jack black, eating pufferfish and spending a day with bungie.

Answer #3

make sure my little brother is a good person, have an occasion to get dressed up and pretty, have one of my art works become famous, lol get laid is on mine too but i was thinking of wording it different, sing at least once in public, … only the first one is important to me the rest would just be nice to happen.

Answer #4

Going to Ireland and Scotland.

Answer #5

OH YEAH! i forgot to add that to mine x3 i love red heads

Answer #6

and winning the Nobel Peace Prize

Answer #7

First thing on the list: Get a bucket.

Answer #8

Skydive. Meet my favorite band. Learn how to surf. Visit Paris. Go para-sailing. Spend a weekend at a 5-star spa. Go to a drive-in movie. Ride on the back of a motorcycle. Party in Las Vegas. Fall in love. Graduate from college. Get married on a beach. Write a book. Have at least 3 kids. Visit Australia. Save someone’s life.

Answer #9

-To travel the world! I want to go everywhere! Especially the poor countries because I’ve always wanted to help people. -To get a good job and (hopefully) buy my family a house. Because where we live in right now is crap. -Get a puppy. :D

Answer #10

Too many to put on here :P

Answer #11

funny!! ; )=

Answer #12

EAT. I’m starving.

Answer #13

Oh, and to learn how to swim!

Answer #14

haha nice :D

Answer #15

.> EAT!!! haha food is good for you :PP not too much of course but MODERATION :D

Answer #16

we all have to admit that meeting jack black is on our bucket list :D

Answer #17

lmao my fav is the third one XP so typical yet funny

Answer #18

Go bungee jumping, visit Alaska and watch the Northern Lights, Drivingbin a Nascar race, meet Jeff Gordon, take a pole dancing class(dont know why but always wanted to learn), and go to Italy.

Answer #19

Be in two places at once. <3

Answer #20

Be in two places at once. <3

Answer #21

Chasing a hurricane/tornado, going to the Amazon, meeting Snooki (she’s an inspiration to me, hold your laughter), having the guts to join Reddit and posting something, build a castle on Minecraft without TooManyItems or World Edit, meeting Chimneyswift11 and giving him a huggggeeee hug… Oh and hugging Tobuscus :) that’s really all I want to do in life.

Answer #22

Become proud and happy with who I am.

Answer #23

Travel to Cambodia, Vietnam, and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.

Answer #24

Sorry< I meant to say the Democratic People’s republic of Korea.

Answer #25

Mine is to bungee jump xD and then sky dive xD and then normal diving xD

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