Questions & Answers

  1. How to get rid of a perm?
  2. What are the best organs/muscles to use to sing?
  3. Why does my boyfriend want to hang out so much?
  4. Can birth control pills make you gain a lot of weight?
  5. What Are Some Bands Like Brokencyde And Disco Skitzo?
  6. When is my rotweiler ready to mate is bleeding?
  7. How can I curl my hair, if all size curlers dont work?
  8. What do you perfer ipod or nintendo dsi?
  9. How can I stop being so shy in the bedroom?
  10. What kind of music would you think is best for a romantic night?
  11. Who likes the movie Aquamarine?
  12. How: my poem, awaken?
  13. How do I know if the girl I like likes me~?
  14. how do you play strip poker?
  15. Where can I watch the lighning theif ( online)?
  16. When will OTH come back on?
  17. what should iput my a social site name as?
  18. what is wrong with me im stalking my ex girlfriend?
  19. What// Is Lubriderm Daily Mostuire, non-acnegenic?
  20. How can me and my boyfriend stop fighting so much?
  21. What is a good prank?
  22. How do I convice my mom to let me fly to see my boyfriend at 17?
  23. How do I make the transition from friend to boyfriend?
  24. What trick can I play?
  25. Who can help me, I desperately need help?
  26. How can I lose extra fat and tone up soon and with no suppliments?
  27. What: Blue screen of death!?
  28. How to get a boyfriend?
  29. How do I befriend this guy?
  30. Why am I throwing up at five months?
  31. Who likes watching skiing on the Winter Olympics?
  32. What can I do about these "feelings"? (non-sexual)?
  33. what do you think I should do to have a baby when my fiance doesnt?
  34. How does someone who's 10 years older fall in love with me?
  35. What is the best place to live in Nebraska?
  36. How should I confront her if she wants to fight?
  37. Who..nip piercing question..please help if you can be resourceful?
  38. Who can help me figure out 20 questions to ask my boyfriend?
  39. What should I do for Japanese symbols on my computer?
  40. What a hiphop song that doesnt talk about anyhting bad?
  41. who/does anyone watches big time rush?
  42. What organisations are already campaigning better safety for teens?
  43. What are some good ways to make money before spring break?
  44. tell me 15 non - accented words in the Spanish language?
  45. Who thinks ii should do this?
  46. What: Is there a video making programme compatible with a Mac?
  47. How can I forget about her?
  48. How do I interpret this attitude from my crush?
  49. What is the difference between an ipod touch and an iphone?
  50. What makeup should I wear to my concert?
  51. How can I block phone numbers from calling with sprint?
  52. how can I get my face looking fresh?
  53. what is xenon stored in?
  54. When is it a "good" time to get your tubes tied im 21 with 2 kids?
  55. What are some similarities in sharks and dolphins?
  56. Who can give some advice? 13, and I can't fit into an adult bra?
  57. How do I write a speach?
  58. What are the chances of my stomach swelling so soon?
  59. What are some good uses for Vaseline???
  60. why this tv host was suspended for saying what he thinks?
  61. Why does mold grow on bread?
  62. what do I do if a boy cums in my mouth?
  63. What are the laws in texas & nebraska on dog breeding?
  64. When I masterbate, will I mess up my sheets if I'm a girl?
  65. How long will it take for the niacin to clear out your system ?
  66. What are some homework help websites for college students?
  67. Why shouldnt I have a slumber party?
  68. How do you curl your hair with a?
  69. how do I get acess to my message?
  70. How can I get my face to not turn red?
  71. How can I install a printer without the disc?
  72. who liks to sing?
  73. How Can court order pension garnishment for settlement?
  74. What is a cute hairdo for long hair?
  75. why does my face turn red when I laugh or im happy?
  76. How will the movie Paranormal Activity ruin our lives???
  77. how to tell a guy I like?
  78. what does a guy like to do most with his girl?
  79. how does having an std prevent woman from ovulating?
  80. What should I do, 18 years old and I want a baby?
  81. How do I get back at him for hurting me so badly ?
  82. who is your favorite girl singer?
  83. why dos my wireless keep cutting off??
  84. how can I be calm for school *READ*?
  85. why cant I get a job beings im a sex offender ?
  86. Where can I find this cd/soundtrack att?
  87. HOW Is it possible to dance with a girl and having an erection?
  88. What foods are right for you?
  89. Who has some really creative ideas for Sims 2 families?
  90. When is it a good time to exercise?
  91. How do I send pictures to my phone from the internet?
  92. What are good introductions for dinosaur essays?
  93. What do I do? he is 1000 miles away...?
  94. what is a good gamertag for boys?
  95. What should I say to these people who make fun of "my singers" ?
  96. How is it possible for love to just disappear?
  97. What happens if your pregnant and take a x ray?
  98. Can I have sex with my girlfriend and pull my dick before I jizz?
  99. Can I get pregnant if I missed my pill 6 days after sex?
  100. What would happen if your four months prego and you get hit ?