Who thinks ii should do this?

Do you think I shud give my number too someone I just met? Or should I get to know them better?

Answer #1

Totallt wait, it doesn’t look to good giving someone your number when you first meet them. Get to know them first, and wait until you feel the times right to give your number. It may be annoying, but its good to be safe. :[

  • Advice Girl, (:
Answer #2

Uhm… don’t give him your house number. And get to know him first, of course. You don’t want to give him your number and him turn out to be a total creeper. :)

Answer #3

I would wait, to get to know him better. He could be a great guy, or a stalker. Its possible he could track it down, but its unlikely because you have to go to great lengths for that :) If you already did, its fine, if it gets really bad you could block the number

Answer #4

but what if he tracks donw my number and stuff shuud I give him/her the house # of cell #?

Answer #5

if you want to but you shouldnt just dont give them your adress

Answer #6

thnx hommiee

Answer #7

kk thx

Answer #8

obviously get to know them first

Answer #9

thankss do you think it coukd go really bad if I dont give him my number and he gets REALLY mad???

Answer #10

if you met this person over the internet, give them no number. if you met them in real life and they seem trrustworthy, go for it.

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