How do I make the transition from friend to boyfriend?

He and I have been friends since like 2nd grade(im in 7th now). A couple days ago he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes cus I really like him. But we are still kind of awkward together… Advice?

Answer #1

Wow, it’s like a mirror of me and my boyfriend :) We just started going out after two and a half years of being close friends. It is awkward, and I’m still trying to find advice. I’d say, for both me and you to do this: Just be yourself, if it’s hard talking to him face to face, then text him or talk online, I find it easier to express myself through words online :) I’m going to his hous tomorrow, and I’m hoping we will get closer and that the awkwardness will go. It’s normal for couples to go through an awkward patch at the start, your just getting used to eachother, so it’s expected :)

Answer #2

hey(: well, its hard at the start. but it gets so much easier. just act like you used to act. if it turns out your better as friends, just stick to that. but once you think your both into it then get into the boyfriend girlfriend stuff. good luck hun(:

Answer #3

just take it slow, it will get “unweird” after a while.

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