What would happen if your four months prego and you get hit ?

I got hit a lot this month in my stomache I might be pregnant if I am im like three months. My stomache hurts but no bleeding. Im not going to the doctors. What I am or was pregnant and the baby dies. What do I do? With out going to the doctors…like what if it was a miscarrage?

Answer #1

I understand how your feeling I was pregnant when I was 16 and tried to hide it from my parents till I was around 5 months but you have to get it over with and tell your perants trust me I know its gonna be hard now but it will be worth it in a long run.. if you need any help, or advice then just hit me up

Answer #2

If you ever get hit in the stomach or anywhere near that area you need to contact your oby/gyn. In all likelihood of chance things might be okay; however, you don’t know that for sure the hit that you have received can cause a complication later on. Its better to be safe than sorry from my perspective.

The baby is pretty safe inside your uterus. That doesn’t mean that the frequent hits that you are receiving won’t have an effect on the baby, it will have an effect on you for sure. As for the baby thats the more important thing you need to find out.

You seem to be doubting the fact that your pregnant? By now I figured you would notice your stomach taking size due to the child. If I’m wrong someone can feel free to correct me.

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