how can I be calm for school *READ*?

please help me! I’m extreamly nervous about going in school tomorrow, as I’ve had a week off for half term but im really worried and im taking my stress out at home like towards my mum&my brother :| I hate school so much I want it to end! but I know I have to but any advice on how to keep calm? and relive stress and being nervouse? would help a lot!! xx

Answer #1

Okay, I hate it too but we all have to put up with it until it’s over. My advice is get a stress ball or do some yoga or something to make you relax before school. As for being nervous I’d just try to focus on trying to have a more positive outlook.

Answer #2

I can’t speak from experience as I don’t have problems with school. But, maybe you try breathing exercises, maybe look them up on the internet, or try and focus your mind on something else. Think positive things and stuff like that. Listen to music through headphones.

If you have problems at school that are worrying you, then it wouldn’t hurt to try talking to someone about them, maybe something can done which will help.

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