Questions & Answers

  1. Why does my breast hurt so bad?
  2. What is considered sexting?
  3. How should I take this emotional abuse from my fiance?
  4. What is the easiest way to curl my hair with a curling iron?
  5. How do I convince her?
  6. what do I do if this girl likes me and I like her but she has a boyfriend?
  7. Why dont my legs look straight when I straighten them ?
  8. How are me and my boyfriend supposed to get alone?
  9. What do you think about this guys attitude?
  10. What should I do for my mums bday ?
  11. how can I get my hair to stop getting greasy so fast?
  12. how long will a dog stay gone ?
  13. How do I get my 3wk old kitten to go to bathroom?
  14. How should I be feeling about my new step-son?
  15. Who is from England and Emo?
  16. what are some ways to get your hair shiney, but not greasy?
  17. what does it mean if when I have sex I get extremely bloated later?
  18. Who is your pick Mayweather or Mosley?
  19. How cant I manage internal conflicts?
  20. What is a cool logo for barbie dolls that no one has never used?
  21. When is it a good time to get pregnant?
  22. What programs are similar to the British TV show Skins?
  23. Who will win todays boxing match?
  24. how do I know if he likes me?
  25. Why do I look wierd with eyeliner ?
  26. Why cant I remember what happened last night?
  27. What should I do breakup with him or not?
  28. Why wont my folder open?
  29. How to get my girlfriend to have sex with me?
  30. how do I let go of my best friend!?
  31. How to push a guy away so that he comes crawling back?
  32. What can my friend wear to work?
  33. How do you get a guy to feel you up?
  34. How do I deal with a crazy ex boyfriend ?
  35. Which are the buddhism related books in tamil language ?
  36. what is this clear watery fluid coming out of my vagina?
  37. What is a good song to sing at a school tallent show?
  38. Who has gotten a red light camera traffic ticket?
  39. How do you make a fabric pinboard?
  40. Where to buy cheap dumbells?
  41. What do you think of buzz cuts?
  42. Why did he act like that?
  43. What should I do about my bedroom?
  44. What does this (L) mean?
  45. What's sexier to do for my guy?
  46. What can I do about my guy friend ?
  47. How to keep dyed hair longer? (reds blues and etc.)?
  48. what is the skin colored sticky substance coming out of my vagina?
  49. What can happen if you...?
  50. Why is Justin Bieber so popular?
  51. how to add 30 pounds to my max bench in 1 month?
  52. Why am I scared to tackle somebody in football?
  53. What to do when the guy you love isnt as good as you?
  54. What to do: stretch marks and swimming?
  55. How do you change your computer langauge?
  56. How can you tell someones pain tolerance?
  57. Who can help me with this website?
  58. Why dont ear antiseptics ever have expiration dates?
  59. What are some ideas for my sixteenth birthday?
  60. What can I do about peach fuzz on my face ?
  61. What will happen?
  62. How to keep acrylic paint?
  63. why are tacos so good?
  64. Where should we go for our first year?
  65. Can you sign w/ a Modeling Agency thats out of the state you live?
  66. How to improve on Confidence, initiative, presence?
  67. What, does he like me or not?
  68. How to convince my dad I want to go to prom?
  69. how do I get a guy to admit he likes me?
  70. What will happen to my hair if I get highlights{it's my first time?
  71. how to make your own dumbells?
  72. What is a Cock block?
  73. Why do my friends treat me like dirt ?
  74. Why am I so nervous to kiss him?
  75. What is a good teen modeling agency?
  76. what college you think has the best nursing program?
  77. Can you get synthetic deep wave hair wet ?
  78. what can I use to sleep that wont be so bad for my health?
  79. why wont my boyfriend kiss me?
  80. What- do you think this guy likes me?
  81. What should I do should I get head tonight or stay home?
  82. Who watches(d) buffy the vampire ?
  83. What name should we name her?
  84. Who thinks guys should trim their leg hairs?
  85. How can I get my passaport in mexico?
  86. How do I block people from bouncing off my internet?
  87. What is the opposite of love?
  88. What - is this a real law?
  89. How: Which should I do; spay or keep her the way she is?
  90. Can you guys give me anyideas on campaign slogans?
  91. What's the game the girl cant leave restaraunt,she serves witchs?
  92. What is the best product to get rid of pimples quick?
  93. what: should I stop talking to him for a while?
  94. Why can't I be drop dead gorgeous and beautiful??
  95. What pairing for fanfiction story?
  96. What are you getting mom for mothers day?
  97. When you ladies give a blowjob/handjob, can you smell yur saliva?
  98. Why does this guy like me but pretends to like other girls?
  99. how to constuct block stairs?
  100. How can I tell what's going on with my girlfriend?