Who can help me with this website?

I know this is going to sound dumb, but im new to this web-site and I dont really know what goes on here or how to do stuff. So can someone help me?

Answer #1

Well, if you like to give advice, you can really do some good on answering other peoples questins (like im doing for you) There are different categories (to the left) and usually a person is really good in one or two of them. If you want to get to know people even more, you can join a group. I’m in three groups and talk to these people every single day! Theres many ways to make a lot of friends on here :) Just go to someone’s profile, add them as a friend and start talkin! Hope this helps and if ya need more help, fun mail me or what ever lol

Answer #2

Ok. WHAT are you trying to do…that you can’t figure out?

There are a lot of features on our site. If you can’t be specific on what you tried to do, that didn’t work…I can’t help you.

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