Who thinks guys should trim their leg hairs?

Im 16, and I a looot of leg hair, its really bad.

People always comment on it, and its just annoying and a bit embaressing.

So I was wondering if maybe I just trim them a bit with scissors, it will help.

Will it grow back thicker and longer?

Answer #1

I say leave it, you should enjoy the fact that most girls don’t mind guys with hairy legs. I have to shave mine (not that I want to grow my leg hair lol) because I’m a girl =P but yeah, I find guys that shave abnormal, I don’t really care, but I’d rather my guy didn’t shave. Don’t shave it because you’re cool the way you are! =D

Answer #2

NOOO! dont do it, guys are ment to have hairl legs, shows that your a man, if you have it on you back then you can worry :)

Answer #3

I think its not a bad thing to trim o shave. I am a guy and I shave mine because of sports. But ull find out that you are never going to please every one.

Answer #4

Whatever will make you more confortable. Forget everyone else. Never do anything especially something like this that will be a bit of work, for others.

Answer #5

If you cut it with scissors it will stick up and be spiky as the hair is thicker near the root, and thinner at the ends.

You could shave/wax them and tell people its because of a sport you play, they will jeer about it at first but will soon get over it.

Its pretty much about what you prefer. If it really annoys you, then think about getting rid of it all together. But cutting it will just make it spiky.

Answer #6

I’m a girl, and personially nothing’s wrong with having “hairy” legs I don’t know how to explain it but don’t worry what people have to say, it’s your legs not theres, but no you shouldn’t trim it cause then it will grow way longer and thicker and darker which makes it even more noticalbe trust me I did that mistake with my arms I was stupid and I do regret it so I suggest you leave them how they are. = )

Answer #7

Leave it…guys are supposed to have hairy legs…

Answer #8

No ,, I dont found Guys W/ Hairy Legs Nasty ,, I Just Dont Like Guys W/ Hair Chest Or Backs LOL

Answer #9

My guess is that yes it will. I recomend you dont! The most sensible answer is no. Then the postive comments may turn negative.

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