Questions & Answers

  1. Why do I blush for no reason when I talk to other people, why could this be happening?
  2. does anyone know the history of the irish Claddagh?
  3. Why do people bother Miley Cyrus so much about the way she dresses, they should just leave her alone?
  4. What's a good romance/drama movie that can make you cry?
  5. How shall i deal with some naughty children, without screming or hitting ?
  6. what should i do with my hair i have all brown hair and i want to do sumthing differnt like?
  7. could i possibly get a breast reduction at 15?
  8. What shall i study if i want to open A beauty salon ?
  9. Who here has heard Chris Crocker's song 'Love You Better' either acoustic or studio version?
  10. What could a dark clump of squishy stuff be during my period and is this normal?
  11. should I get a tramp stamp or a butterfly on my ankle?
  12. should I get my hips pierced or my belly button?
  13. Is it true that you can masturbate with the plastic part of a tampon????
  14. How good is skype?
  15. Is it safe to take nitrofura if you have pustular psoriasis?
  16. Who is your favorite talk show host and why?
  17. Which one is the best operating system in terms of performence and also user friendly?
  18. How do i not have another nightmare falling asleep right after i woke up from one?
  19. does anyone believe in magic and spirital stuff? if so do they have any working spells i might like to try?
  20. Should i pierce my tongue or lip.? And Whitch One It Prettier.? Lol
  21. How do you stop pop ups when you have a mac book?
  22. how can I get my friend to stop hanging around a girl whos mean and a very bad influence?
  23. can i still use the same antivirus even tho i erased everything from my computer?
  24. who is all going to Vans Warped Tour this year? and if so who do you want to see the most?
  25. how common is it for girls to take naked pics of themselves, even if they don't put them online or send them to other people?
  26. What would you do if you had 3 months to live? More importantly, what's stopping you from doing it now?
  27. Do you have a calender on your wall? What is the picture on it?
  28. Who can help me with converting gauge sizes?
  29. Why do people on here give an attitude when answering someone's question?
  30. Who else is inlove with the new season of the Real World?
  31. whats your top ten favorite scary movies?
  32. What is Toby's real name from the show Pretty Little Liars?
  33. What is this song titled? "I don't know why I couldn't feel beforem faith in a world I can't believe in any more." It was in the show Skins...
  34. When gauging your ears,how long can you keep them in and then take them out to the point where they can still go back to normal size?
  35. Why is screamo and metalcore garbage so popular?
  36. is it possible to get permanent corset peircings on your arms????
  37. What in Satan's name does "SMFH" mean?
  38. what might be causing my kitten to be the way he is?
  39. What are the pros and cons of having an online job?
  40. Are calorie free sweeteners actually bad for you?
  41. Does anyone have a Pontiac G8?? If so, do you love your car?
  42. why do i throw up in the mornings but then im fine?
  43. How do you audition for a movie?
  44. What is the treatment for tomato leaf curling?
  45. what should i get for my moms b-day?
  46. Where is Union County / Rahway located , in NJ , east , south , west , or north ?
  47. What are some tactics I can use to get better control of my five year daughter?
  48. Can a young teen who has a child give custody of the baby to an older sis if she's over the age of twenty?
  49. Is it possible that webcam makes your voice sound differently?
  50. where is the comedy club minigame in the sims (urbz)?
  51. Who likes these lyrics?
  52. Why does the government lie to us?
  53. How should i offer babysitting to the neighbors I'm not close with?
  54. How do you stop drooling when you sleep?
  55. Does topiramate make you lose weight?
  56. What do you think is the funniest photo on FunAdvice?
  57. Who has read the "Left Behind" series?
  58. What was your best job money wise that you have held and how much did you make?
  59. how do i get my mother to leave me alone and give me space?
  60. Does anyone know what the song Uncle Johnny and Everything Will be Alright mean? Both by The Killers.
  61. Who sings this song, featured in The Hills season 6 ep. 11?
  62. What are good programs for video editing on a MAC?
  63. Why do you think they are kicking Megan Fox out of Transformers 3?
  64. Who thinks Old Spice is doing good marketing by replying to tweets with videos?
  65. what can i do to look at people in the eye?it is kinda hard and it gets harder when i wake in a place and there are a lot of people ;i cant look at them and i
  66. Does anyone know any new bands that kinda sound like Weezer, Cage the Elephant, & Charlotte Sometimes??
  67. when should a transsexual mtf get an breast x-ray done if on hormones?
  68. How can i persuade my mom into letting me wearing make up?
  69. Where are good jobs a 16 year old can work at and get paid good money for it ?
  70. How do i get my processor to go faster?
  71. What are some good tips for camping out in a tent?
  72. How long does vicodin "opiods" to clear out of your body?
  73. can you get the text message history from metro even if they have been deleted off your phone?
  74. What color should i dye my hair if i have light white skin and green eyes?
  75. Why do people think blondes are stupid?
  76. What would happen if I drank protein shakes 1-2 times everyday but didn't work out every single day? Would I gain weight, even though i have a fast metabolism?
  77. Why am I getting this message on youtube?
  78. what could cause you knee to give out at random times?
  79. what do you guys think of the lyrics to a new song im working on?
  80. is anyone else disappointed in eclipse? they screwed it up! and left stuff out :/
  81. How is it that the user who posts about handbags is getting points faster in one day than I have in 2 years? Makes no sense I tell you! >.<
  82. what are the requirements for becoming a coroner?
  83. does anyone know a game an 8 year old would die to play but is free or can be downloaded?
  84. Is it normal for teenagers to not have a regular menstual cycle?
  85. Why isn't the government raising interest rates?
  87. what do you think, Im a 15 year old girl.. Im 5'8 and I weigh 135lbs, but im wanna loose 15-20 lbs to help me with modeling. Too much?
  88. How do i correctly clean my industrial piercing?
  90. is it true that if you weren't born before 1995, you can't get your license until your 18?
  92. How can i dress a little girlier or mix my clothes into something cute?
  93. Whats The Best Movie You've Watched So Far From 2010?
  94. why if people on here have only 1 photo, you can't comment on it?
  95. What could this be?
  96. Is Halo 3 any goood?
  97. What would be the best ingriedients to make "swaggajuice" ? Lol, dont ask.
  98. What is the song that just COMPLETELY makes you just want to cry your eyes at?
  99. how i need insparation to start gymnastics again?
  100. what is a diet pill that will make me use a lot of weight quick ? and is kinda low in price