What was your best job money wise that you have held and how much did you make?

My last job was decorating cakes at a well known bakery in our town, by the time they closed i was at $20 an hour, but i was also their only decorater.

Answer #1

I worked in marketing and made $5, 000 a month….it wasn’t worth it, though.

Answer #2

This one :) Not naming numbers, but I entered this job right from grad school, so I don’t have much to compare it to.

Answer #3

60k in marketing is average, and a goal I’ve had for a long, long time.

Answer #4

My last job was teaching Ambassadors basic English, but people kept on interfering with my business telling them to pay me very little which was only 13 dollars an hour when I could have been making 26 dollars an hour and that would have been considered cheap! You see when there are too many captains in a ship then the ship sinks! Over here the minimum wage is like $5.50 an hour…so making 26 an hour is def worth teaching basic English for 2 hours…(would have been an easy $52 dollars just from 1 client! 2x a week) been sick so i had to cancel them. :(

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