Questions & Answers

  1. How much does a simple check up for a dog cost at the vet?
  2. who is a good doctor for teenage bipolar disorder in the vista or oceanside ca area?
  3. Do you have to pay for kittens you get from a shelter?
  4. Is it good to give a 2 year old string cheese?
  5. Should people be required to take some sort of test, before being allowed to have a child?
  6. Are the points for rewarding set automatically?
  7. what category is this college in
  8. How can I keep my little 2 year old cousin entertained while keeping myself entertained for a couple hours?
  9. Would exercising with shoes on or no shoes on be btr for a high intense workout?
  10. Would Walmart Sell Candy Corn This Time Of Year?
  11. What is "No Child Left Behind" about, and how does it work?
  12. Which is the highest, Honers, High Honers, or Distingueshed Honers?
  13. Do you think children should have a choice whether they go to a traditional school or a trade school after the 6th grade?
  14. What's the best university in New York which is good in engineering?
  15. What were the confederates' view on the blacks/slaves?
  16. How do you light a fire?
  17. Would it be safe to use a regular nail file on my dog, as long as I'm gentle?
  18. How would I would install a new plumbing system into a home?
  19. Why has he been getting dizzy after he eats?
  20. How do I get ring backs on my phone that a friend has text me?
  21. Is a person a bad parent if their child spends the night at his/her grandparents several nights every week?
  22. Why are houses not bulit with wood fire places anymore?
  23. What is the most culturally diversified country in the world?
  24. How can tell a counterfeit Canadian $20 bill?
  25. What do you think of hub motor, electric cars?
  26. Is there anyway you can 'perminitly' delete facebook?
  27. whats the best video editing software to make pro videos?
  28. How long are funerals?
  29. what is a tree hugger?
  30. Is it possible to burn a PS2 game from the web to a disc and play it on PS2?
  31. Does anyone know the roughness of pvc pipe?
  32. who knows if college can reject her?
  33. what job can only be done while its raining?
  34. How much would it cost to change your name legally in California?
  35. How to fix headphone wire, dog chewed?
  36. How can i do an invoice with name, number & mailing address?
  37. What is meant when speaking of notional income?
  38. how come my moms car wont shut off even though the key is out?
  39. Is the PediPaws Pet Nail Trimmer good, and safe to use on your dogs?
  40. When you are angry, do you usually hold it back?
  41. Why do some people say you are nasty, and tease you for wearing pads?
  42. What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
  43. how do catholic people feel about people wearing rosary beads as jewelery??
  44. Why do people feel the need to point out OBVIOUS things about each other?
  45. Is "Chassie Bizarre" a good scene name?
  46. how are no quotes from star wars the number quote in america?
  47. Is modeling really that tough?
  48. what 5 things make FLUFF?
  49. should they put prop 66 on the ballot again?
  50. What is the most capable cell phone available?
  51. How much money do you save a year?
  52. What do you call 'soda' where you're from?
  53. What`s the best thing too do for a broken/fractured knee?
  54. what is the difference between methodist and baptist?
  55. does anyone know where i can watch tower prep online or when it's going to air in Canada?
  56. Can you use acrylic nail remover as nail polish remover ?
  57. Are there any foods I can feed my small dog that will be healthy, other than dog food?
  58. Which country has the wealthiest people per capita?
  59. Does anyone know where I can find a cartoon called CreepSchool?
  60. How does putting ice on a swollen body part make the swelling go down?
  61. What are some good/top universities that are in the US for a major in creative writing?
  62. How many How To articles do you write a day?
  63. What are some interview/debate questions for the Civil War leaders, Abraham Lincoln(Union) and Jefferson Davis (Confederate)?
  64. How can I get my new dog used to me?
  65. What vitamins is best for bones and stregth?
  66. What tmobile phone do you recommend for best picture camera?
  67. Do you think this should be shown on Cartoonetwork?
  68. Are there any good sites for searching Cracks?
  69. How to keep scene hair fluffy?
  70. When traveling is it best to take Travelers cheques, money orders, cash or credit cards?
  71. How can I treat a busted lip?
  72. Can anyone breifly explain to me how IRA works?
  73. Do you think that your appearance can have a direct impact on your career and advancement?
  74. Why do you get headaches if you go a few hours without eating anything?
  75. Who thinks its a good idea to stop haveing your children sleep over at someone elses home for a sleepover?
  76. How do you make the little peace signs on the computer like this:☮?
  77. Do you think dressing like this is cute/ weird/ slutty/ witchy?
  78. Where could I sell chocolate covered pretzels legally, if I was to make them?
  79. How to make a healthy dish with either mashed potatoes or pasta?
  80. Why is it that men do not seem to know how to hit the freaking toilet in the bathroom?
  81. Why do i have brown hair if my mom and dad both have blond and so do my grandparents??
  82. When a person is speaking Latin, what type of accent should he or she use??!
  83. Which would you be: A veterinarian, Lawyer, or Nurse?
  84. Where can i buy good dog tag necklaces from?
  85. What are you suppose to wear to a funeral, and what is a viewing?
  86. is figure skating consider a sport?
  87. What are the numbers inbetween album and the check mark on the new itunes 10.01?
  88. Who approves of the new style of Christmas decorations?
  89. How do get over a chip craving?
  90. What are some things you regret not doing in High School?
  91. which is the best and free mobile theme site for sony ericsson?
  92. When decorating for Christmas, do you prefer the childlike decoration or do you decorate more sophisticatedly?
  93. What is the proper etiquette when a family member you are not close to is dying?
  94. How do I calculate how much money I make a year?
  95. how can i improvise a capo?
  96. How long is a bulldog's life span?
  97. Is the website The national Do not call legit??
  98. how often is it recommended you should you worm, flea and use a tick treatment on your cat to maintain optimum health?
  99. Why is tax not included in American prices?
  100. Why would you ever get your BF's or GF's name tattooed on your body?