how can i improvise a capo?


Answer #1

what you thinking when you say improvise??

Answer #2

make a cappo out of something instead of buying one coz im broke atm and the music shop that i usually use has closed down ¬_¬


Answer #3

errr, ok in that case i dont really know, i’m not sure i can really think of anything that would help and that would be strong enough to hold the strings down- you might just have to keep playing songs where you don’t need to change the key until you can get one, i’d say just have a play around with some things and see if you can find something that works.

Answer #4

I dont think there is anything. Maybe a clothes pin if you have find a big and long enough one.

Answer #5

*have or can find…

Answer #6

i used a rubber coated torch and tied it to the guitar neck with some wire i found (: it worked :D


Answer #7

you don’t have to use one you could find music for songs that hav barcords so you don’t need one. its more hard then if u hav a capo but it works

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Music production, Music theory, Music education