What were the confederates' view on the blacks/slaves?

Did they see them as human beings? Did they have actual reason for why they felt that way?

Answer #1

The Confederates saw the slaves as property. : (

Answer #2

The confederates had the same views of blacks as the union did. They were both equally racist, the only difference is that the Union had more “Enlightened” and constitutional ideals and believed that although black, they were still men. However the confederates used them as a resource (as slaves) to boost their agriculture. To the confederates, owning slaves was just a way of life.

Answer #3

It was a way of life up north, as well. It changed with the Industrial Revolution and the mass emigration associated with it, however. Even Abraham Lincoln made a statement about how he thought whites were, and should remain in a position to be, superior to blacks.

Answer #4

Yeh, I suppose I should correct myself and not say “Equal” But rather free.

Answer #5

Hmm, I actually agree with hivetyrant, I suppose it had to happen at some point. The union were not any more enlightened than anyone else. It was more of an economic issue than a civil rights one.

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