Questions & Answers

  1. How does it feel to get high on salvia?
  2. What do you think of making laws about NO texting while driving?
  3. Where can i buy a 24 pk of Arizona Arnie Palmers?
  4. is it true that when we get a flu shot, they give us the disease too or not?
  5. Who can tell me what is wrong with my blog because every time I try to insert an image in a post, it gives me a " 404"?
  6. how long is two hundred and six lunar cycles?
  7. how can the mother that gave birth to u hate u soo much that she hits u n the face and tells u to get the fuck out of her house?
  8. Can gonorrhea cause pain around the area of your kidney's or infect your kidney's?
  9. What is the difference between butter and margarine?
  10. Can someone be diagnosed with anxiety/ paranoia disorders even if it doesnt always happen to them but happens enough?
  11. Which do you think is the better muscle relaxant: icyhot or tigerbalm?
  12. Where can I watch "South of Nowhere" season 3 online for free?
  13. Do you think doing yoga to improve your body is worth it?
  14. When adopting kids is it better to adopt 2 rather than 1 so the other has someone to be friends with?
  15. What are some indications your child should be in a higher grade?
  16. what is your favourite video game ?
  17. How do I tell my mom and aunt I want to try to become a vegetarian?
  18. Is being paranoid a disorder?
  19. what can i do if i ordered something online 2/3 weeks ago and it still hasnt come but ive paid for it?
  20. what is a good dvd burning program to use ?
  21. Do you think Obama would try to start a war to help boost his approval?
  22. Who knows a song about a really horrible birthday?
  23. what is The Burning Man ?
  24. How do you get rid of funny-bone-itis?
  25. Whats anxiety and how does one know if they have it or something?
  26. is it normal after working out for 6 hours that you still cant sleep even though your exhausted?
  27. Can vegtarians eat chicken flavored mr. noodles?
  28. Do you believe that life is just a dream, and that when we die...we will actually be waking up?
  29. is size 14.. the normal size for a 14 year old girl.?
  30. who finds the orange, fake look attractive, just wondering?
  31. How come none of my more popular questions aren't getting any points?
  32. What is a good command to show CPU usage on a server on a windows server in command line?
  33. What kind of birth control do you use/have you used and what side effects did you have?
  34. How can i improve my brother's attitude?
  35. Can I leave the egg out of a cookie recipe?
  36. what is the maximum number of hours you want to work each week?
  37. What is your opinion on people who get rid of their family pets to move, because they have children, etc?
  38. What are some ideas I can use cooking or bakeing with white chocolate?
  39. Do anybody know any songs that are great for a silent film?
  40. how much is 1 point on here worth in cash?
  41. why isn't clear/transparent/invisible a color?
  42. What's the difference between the iphone 3g and 3gs?
  43. what is the nicest colour to have in the classic mini ugg boot ?
  44. Is Eestor a fraud?
  45. What is the difference between Latent heat capacity and Specific heat capacity?
  46. What's DirectX 9.0 Runtime?
  47. Does anyone else like Andy Warhol?
  48. Why are older/outdated religions referred to as mythology, but modern christianity, scientology, judiasm etc are widely accepted as bases for faith and hope?
  49. What are the major symptoms of a Latex allergy?
  50. What exactly is plagiarism?
  51. What is George Herbert's 'The Pearl' about?
  52. Does anyone know how to return a laptop back to it's factory settings?
  53. what is TSB in a Honda Minivan?
  54. What is the best extra activities to hold in a Senior High School?
  55. should i let ma boyfriend drink but not everyday just like in when we chill but when he drinks he gets wasted?
  56. Do you think it is true that guys get their self-esteem from their mothers and girls from their fathers?
  57. is there any important muscle tissue in your hand?
  58. Whats the best smartphone out there???
  59. Does anyone else have the problem where you have alerts, and you click on them, but it refuses to show them to you?
  60. Did u peoples no that an average of 10 people a year die from a vending machine?
  61. How to turn on an integrated webcam for a G56 hp laptop?
  62. How long does chlamydia take to cause u to become infertile?
  63. Why is my dog's stomach making weird noises?
  64. What do you think of miley cyrus doing salvia?
  65. Why is Jesus Christ's first name pronounced the way it is, but not the way it's supposed to be prononced?
  66. How can i write songs like Ke$ha & Nicki Minaj?
  67. How do you get yourself interested in new bands and music?
  68. What 2 teams are going to the Super Bowl?
  69. What are some pictures that are out of the ordinary and good to paint with oil paints?
  70. Does anyone think that the TV show "Mike&Molly" is portraying America as a place where most people are over weight?
  71. what are the clumps of blood in my period?
  72. How do you season an iron skillet for the first time?
  73. How would I *start* to become a vegtarian?
  74. What are some good sites to get free to use photos from?
  75. Can a thirteen year old get there teeth whiten?
  76. What makes the perfect party?
  77. How do I get out of watching a film in class tomorrow?
  78. Do you think Jesus was attractive?
  79. Can cameras break from going upside down?
  80. Do you shop/trade online?
  81. Where have ppl been getting those half hat things and what are they called?
  82. What do you prefer: giving or receiving?
  83. How many gifts were recieved in the verse of the tenth day of Christmas in the song The Twelve Days Of Christmas?
  84. Who knows who Jerry Mitchell is?
  85. Can jewelers re size any kind of ring?
  86. how do you out a youtube vidoe on here ?
  87. What are the healthiest things to put on pizza, includeing the healthiest cheese?
  88. Where can you put up a business add?
  89. Do you think he could be trying to ask me out soon?
  90. Is life getting more stressful then it was or is this what happens as you age?
  91. Would you favor less government with more responsibility or the reciprocal of that?
  92. How do i get a music producer to sign me a record deal?
  93. How in the hell do I get free of information technology?
  94. How do you get rid of anxiety?
  95. Why would you use half duplex on a network switch anymore?
  96. How can i play music off my phone in my car?
  97. How can you preserve sweethearts candy hearts?
  98. How can you know if a t.v show is real or faked?
  99. How high is too high for high heels?
  100. does anyone know where i can get a program like garage band, that wont cost much or free, where i can make music on it, like Electronic Dance Music?