Do you shop/trade online?

If so, what sort of things do you buy? I love sites like Ebay and Trademe (NZ version). Just wondering who buys online, and does that mean you don’t shop in stores as well?

Answer #1

Just books, clothes(sometimes, and toys for my niece & nephew.

Answer #2

I online shop allll the time. It’s an addiction for me really. I buy a lot of lingerie and corsets and I’ve bought some new tattoo guns and rare ink colors online as well. But I also shop in store…I love to shop and spend money.

Answer #3

I shop on-line because I have to. You see, we live in a small country town where you can only buy the basic necessities, so mail order is the only way to get things we may require.

Answer #4

Wow, where is this town?

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