Questions & Answers

  1. What's your favorite pasttime?
  2. How do you build up your courage, or have (almost) no fear?
  3. What is your favourite piano song of all time?
  4. Can your freckles go away as you age?
  5. How can I find other people in my area that share interests?
  6. Is the Instyler straightener worth buying?
  7. Would you recommend putting Aloe Vera on a bikini wax?
  8. Why does my nose bleed?
  9. What are some problems encountered with waste?
  10. What about the high protein low carb diet?
  11. Where can I get an "I <3 BOOBIES" braclet?
  12. Why do people still use emoticons like :)?
  13. Does anyone else think its kinda funny that at 18 in canada you are old enough to be in porn but not to buy it??
  14. Whats your favorite method of art, such as sketching, painting or..?
  15. How can I remove sharpie ink from my backpack?
  16. Is it possible that my teeth are moving?
  17. Can my height have anything to do with the pain in my legs?
  18. Who do you think is the best dead rapper?
  19. Why am I so angry all of a sudden about my past (read desc)?
  20. What are some good hair styles for short hair?
  21. What is the difference between Google+ and Facebook?
  22. Why is it that when trying to drink your daily 8 cups of water, juice and tea do not count?
  23. What is a good camera for a beginner on Photography?
  24. When you're starting to dread your hair can you use conditioner or would that just undo the process?
  25. What was freshmen year like for you?
  26. Can you wear a garter belt with suspenders and stockings with shorts without it being sexual?
  27. When it says "patient print name and signature" does it mean like my name - Jen, and then "Jen" in cursive?
  28. Would windows 64 bit run faster than Windows 32 bit on my netbook?
  29. How do I forgive and forget?
  30. Where can a 15 year old volunteer at?
  31. Is it ok to mix fruits and dairy together and is it normal?
  32. Is "Between Two Ferns" with Zach Galifianakis serious?
  33. What does it mean by "days of flow" and "lengths of cycle"?
  34. What type and how many musical instruments are in your home and do you play them?
  35. What does it mean when it says "insured name", "effective date" and "group number" when filling out the insurance part of a form?
  36. What is a "rash"?
  37. Can someone please explain how to put a video on here?
  38. Does anyone know of any chat things for teens on here, or online?
  39. What is a really *cool* camera that is kinda bulky to get?
  40. What are some stores I can find casual sun dresses for school?
  41. Why is there only one female Smurf?
  42. Why are there no paragraphs in replies?
  43. What are some free photo editing websites?
  44. What are some effects that are good when used together on Picnik?
  45. Does anyone have any good tips for making sure your mascara is even on both eyes?
  46. Who uses vo5?
  47. Does putting on sunscreen make you tan slower?
  48. Why do women still have periods after they have their tubes tied?
  49. Should I go to a therapist?
  50. How can I put music onto my HTC Wildfire S from my computer?
  51. What was the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia after WW1?
  52. Who knows if the portable flat roll up keyboard pianos are good?
  53. Can I work at a hair salon while I'm in high school?
  54. What's your favorite brand of straightener, shampoo, and hair product (like hairspray)?
  55. What's your favorite romantic movie?
  56. Can you bruise a muscle without bruising your skin ?
  57. How do I prepare myself for my dad's death?
  58. What is a "nervous disorder"?
  59. What are some ways I can even out my skin tone?
  60. Does the NuvaRing have to be inserted at the same time every time?
  61. Which phone is better - Samsung Intercept, or Rumor Touch?
  62. What's a way I can change my "look"?
  63. When does the new season (Season 11) of Degrassi become available to you online?
  64. Can I be excused from jury duty if I leave the country?
  65. Is it true that in the state of Florida it's illegal to buy cigarettes under 18, but it's not illegal to smoke them?
  66. How come I'm friends with a lot of people around the world but none from my home state of California?
  67. Who has Amazon's Kindle 3 eReader?
  68. What kind of deoderant do you use?
  69. How do you charge a flip vid?
  70. How does Windows Live/ Hotmail use your email to spam without you actually clicking anything?
  71. How do you make no-bake cookies?
  72. Can the police use Facebook or hack phones to investigate marijuana?
  73. What can I do in my last month as a teenager?
  74. What is a website I can learn a language on?
  75. What makes flamingos pink?
  76. Who invented the shopping bag?
  77. How can I hand tame a 3 mnth old Male Cockatiel?
  78. Why is the word for "a fear of long words," hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
  79. Why does Goofy stand on two legs when Pluto remains on four?
  80. Why do so many people have a fear of clowns?
  81. Is it ok if I gave my boxer dog, who is 4 months old, a venison bone?
  82. Where can I find this video available to download?
  83. How can I improve my BMXing?
  84. What would an aged fart in a jar smell like?
  85. Could lower abdominal pain while urinating possibly be a UTI or pre-eclampsia?
  86. How to increase my energy levels in the morning?
  87. Do koala bears just drink, or do they eat too?
  88. Why are piercings done with a hollow needle?
  89. Is this a good recipe for chapstick?
  90. Who here likes Sasuke from the anime Naruto?
  91. Can loose baby teeth fall out when you have braces?
  92. Where can I convert multiple YouTube links into audio mp3's online?
  93. Where can I buy Amazon's eBook reader - Kindle 3 - in England (other than Amazon)?
  94. Can you have a learner's permit in more than one state?
  95. What are some good (mild) dubstep songs?
  96. How to remove MacKeeper from computer completely?
  97. Why am I gaining weight while on my monthly (girls only)?
  98. Is the government cutting out SSI this next month, or is this just a stupid rumor?
  99. How do I get more subscribers on YouTube?
  100. How can a fourteen-year-old get money super fast?