Questions & Answers

  1. How often should a couple 'get sexy' together?
  2. What's your favourite meal?
  3. Can my mom buy me a MoneyPak card even if I'm not 18?
  4. What do you eat with Nutella?
  5. How can I prevent my hives from getting so big?
  6. How many times can I pay $99 to have my iPod replaced?
  7. Does getting a tooth removed hurt?
  8. Why do I swell up during sex?
  9. FunAdvice Trivia: On what TV Show will you find the character Mary Katherine Gallagher?
  10. Are you allowed to take pain killers and disposable razors abroad?
  11. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Mexican Rice
  12. When you’re on a date, do you think the man should pay or not?
  13. What deserts can I make with these ingredients?
  14. How do I tell my mom I have started my period?
  15. How do I get the rest of the wood out of my foot?
  16. Who knows when the Bath & Body Works annual 75% off sale ends?
  17. How can I get my mom to let me date?
  18. Why is it more socially "acceptable" for women to try "batting for the other team", yet men are not allowed to?
  19. What's better - Coke or Pepsi?
  20. What is worse - lying to yourself or lying to others?
  21. What's a good way to make about $100 in a small town by August?
  22. Do you think the 'about me' section on my profile is too big?
  23. How do I convince a family member to stop smoking?
  24. Where can I watch old Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and Disney Channel shows or movies?
  25. How can I tell my mom's friend I can't babysit her kids because they don't listen to me?
  26. How can I fix an error I made on my financial aid application?
  27. How to set up a club for my sweet 16?
  28. What exactly constitutes cheating in a marriage?
  29. What do you have to do when doing work experience in a primary school?
  30. What are snapbacks?
  31. What does 'halal connection' mean?
  32. What are simple ways to tease your hair?
  33. Could somebody help my find some good skate shoes?
  34. Is it better for your breasts to sleep with or without a bra?
  35. What's the process and information about when the state sues someone?
  36. What does being lactose Intolerant actually mean?
  37. What are the steps in becoming a judge?
  38. Is it okay with the cops if my mom is okay with me being with a 20 year old?
  39. How can I know the exact time of my birth without my birth certificate or contacting the hospital where I was born?
  40. How can I convince my dad to let me cut my hair off?
  41. FunAdvice Trivia: A human spends how much time in a lifespan socializing?
  42. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Chicken Fìngers on a Stick
  43. How do I get my dog to eat dog food?
  44. What's a good thing to eat if you have the munchies?
  45. Do headaches occur from swelling of the brain?
  46. Where would you find rosewater for food?
  47. Do you think everyone has some sort of mental problem?
  48. What's your favorite condiment?
  49. What happens if the suicide hotline calls dispatch on you?
  50. What traditional dinner do you eat on fourth of July?
  51. Do Australian Gold tanning products work well?
  52. Are there any effects when trying to tan with a tattoo?
  53. Do most men like being the dominant one or prefer when the girl is the dominant one?
  54. What are open heights?
  55. Why is my female cat suddenly skittish of me?
  56. Why do spiders curl their legs when they die? O.o
  57. Who is excited for the olympics in London this year & who is going?
  58. What is "agent orange" and how does it affect someone?
  59. Can you name gardens and parks/ravines in Ontario only?
  60. What do you regret the most?
  61. What is the farthest level you've reached in Black Ops Zombies?
  62. What's the best place to eat in down town Dallas?
  63. FunAdvice Trivia: In the Sixties, who performed Matt Dillon on the radio?
  64. What are some of the things you have heard about people with certain colors of hair?
  65. How do i deal with both the guys i <3???
  66. Is it possible that Romney could choose Ron Paul as vice president?
  67. What are some cute things to write in an "I miss/love you" letter?
  68. What dog would be good for me?
  69. What should I draw on my toaster strudel?
  70. How drunk can people get off of a Four Loko?
  71. What are some cute car decorations?
  72. What exercise can I use to get rid of belly fat and upper chest fat?
  73. How can I prevent my mosquito bites from scarring while easing the itch?
  74. Do you believe in the existence of stupid questions?
  75. What's the best way for someone with very fair skin to tan naturally?
  76. What exercises can I do to keep the fat on my thighs?
  77. How do I cure my masked depression?
  78. Can puppies eat (actually eat) sticks?
  79. What does a photo developer do when the pictures he's developing are nude pictures?
  80. Who else likes Arch Enemy?
  81. How long after you dye your hair can you re-dye it?
  82. How to fix high-waisted shorts a size too big?
  83. What are some good French or Spanish films to watch?
  84. Do I have ADD/ADHD?
  85. Where can I order cheap, good quality hair extensions?
  86. How to cover up greasy hair (not roots) without showering?
  87. Is it possible for a fifteen-year-old to legally be able to decide where she lives in this situation? (read more?)
  88. FunAdvice Trivia: Which beer is not made in Canada?
  89. What do you guys think of the USA?
  90. Why is my hair so sensitive? (read more)
  91. Are "in-law" and "outlaw" the same thing?
  92. How do you, personally, pronounce Caribbean?
  93. How do you pronounce the name "Eunice"?
  94. What's the first thing I should do when I get my car?
  95. what would be the signs of a possible pregnancy and not just a period?
  96. Is there a song about every eye color?
  97. Do you think she's going to steal my topic for communication class? (read more)
  98. Why is it that when a singer with an English accent sings, it disappears and becomes an American accent?
  99. Where can I get the book Kama Sutra without my mom knowing?
  100. What is the percentage of being able to have children when you have PCOS?