Do I have ADD/ADHD?

I can’t stay on one topic for too long, I usually switch to a different topic within 2 - 10 minutes. Example: Angyl: Hi, let’s talk about 1D. Me: I love them, they’re cool but not as –. Hey do you wanna go to the boom with me. – Then usually I’ll loop back around, after being reminded that I didn’t finish what I was saying. Or do I just have the shortest attention span

Answer #1

Only a professional can identify those conditions … all we can say is “maybe”.

Answer #2

Maybe u just try been smart.

Answer #3

Sounds more like a short attention span to me but as Colleen mentioned only a proffesional can tell you

Answer #4

Everyone has some symptoms of ADHD. Only an objective professional can determine if your symptoms are normal or not.

Answer #5

Well I suffer from ADD & it is worse than you said then.. Not being able to concentrate on something but being able to switch back doesn’t show you have ADD.. You may well just be tired, or the conversation got boring.. You don’t swap topics like that.. When you have ADD as far as I go I don’t remember what had actually been happening before my mind went off somewhere else, I can’t remember anything about 10 - 30 minutes before it, depends how long & I can’t hear anything around me.. My mind goes blank.. Its kind of hard to explain.. But I guess in a way it’s like being high.. You are able to picture things in your head without anything stopping you.. Its confusing haha, but I really don’t think you suffer from ADD.. However like filletospam said you can’t actually find out from others unless you see a professional.. & ADHD.. Most people refer to it when it is really bad and people end up beating someone or putting their fist through a wall.. something serious, but we all in our own way suffer from ADHA just some have it real bad and have to take pills or something.. I hope this helped you :-)

Answer #6

I have ADHD, got diagnosed when I was 12 years old. I still have to take high doses of tablets to cope with it. This is kind of an ADHD/ADD checklist- -Hyperactive

  • races around the room
  • can’t sit still
  • talks quickly non stop
  • cant keep to one subject for very long
  • very impatient
  • can’t stop shouting out in class
  • Inattentive
  • daydreaming
  • short attention span
  • doesn’t appear to be listening
  • mind wanders
  • forgets things easily
  • Impulsive
  • can’t stop answering back
  • takes risks
  • doesn’t think before speaking/acting
  • high energy levels or low energy levels
  • in trouble at school a lot
  • argues all the time
  • hard to handle
  • depression can be a side effect
  • racing thoughts
  • hard to concentrate

Those are just some of the things I suffer with. I went to my doctor and then a psychiatrist, only they can diagnose properly by doing a Conners test if they think necessarily, but probably wouldn’t consider it unless you have at least over half of the symptoms mentioned above. Also, they take into consideration past medical history, education, background, family, everything so it really isn’t at all simple, often ADHD can be part of a bigger picture. Even if you do have it, some professionals won’t put you on medication because of medical problems and side-effects.Unless it is effecting your every day life abnormally then I would say it is just a personality trait. Only a professional will be able to help you but I hope this helps.

Answer #7

When I get tired, I run around the house…I don’t know if that’s like “racing around the room”. I have about 8-9 of those, gonna ask my mom if. She can take me to get tested.

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