Answer #1
Answer #2

That’s awkward, Natalie is blind..

Answer #3

Natalie, a SnapBack is a cap, or a hat but at the back it has a small plastic bit on one side with sort of lumps in it & then on the other side it has holes.. That allows the two sides to ‘snap’ together which then allows you just adjust the size of the cap invade you have a really big head or small head.. Or average sailed head.. Since your blind, if you were able to get hold of one and feel it you will have a better idea of what mean! Hope I helped you:D

Answer #4

thanx, adam…

Answer #5

Oh yeah..

Answer #6

Dumbass hats.

Answer #7

Crude much?

Answer #8

I wear these all the time.. Its pretty much a hat but on the back it clips in so u can adjust the size. The clips are these individual holes and u can just snap; them into the hole i guess. One size pretty much fits all(: I have around 12 hanging on my wall in my room!

Answer #9

Snapbacks are a type of hat/cap that its size can be changed by using the snap part in the back of it.

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