What is worse - lying to yourself or lying to others?

Answer #1

I think yourself.

Answer #2

yourself definently. because you can fool others. you cant fool yourself :3

Answer #3

It depends on what the lie is.. I would say lying to someone else is worse, simply because I would consider lying disrespectful & if you want to be disrespectful to yourself, so what? Who cares, I dont. but if you want to disrespect someone else, thats much worse.

Answer #4

yourself. cuz u should be the only person u trust.

Answer #5

why lie at all?

Answer #6

Yourself… If you’re lying to yourself, there’s no hope for you.

Answer #7

Lying to yourself.

Answer #8

To yourself

Answer #9

Yourself, because sometimes lying to others is only for their own good.

Answer #10


Answer #11

Lying to others. You lie to yourself and that just means you are in denial. You could learn from that and not be so ignorant. You will eventually find that you were in denial or your friends will. But then again I also believe lying to others isn’t too bad because sometimes its to protect them.

Answer #12

It is worse to lie to yourself. Because: Logic.

If you lie to yourself and someone asks you about it, then you will also lie to them. As you have made yourself believe your own lie. And that makes two lies for the price of one.

If you are honest to yourself but lie to others, that is only one lie.

Answer #13

Because telling the truth is rude? Hi, how are you? Thank you for asking, I feel terrible and I have a lot of problems right now but I do not want to talk about my emotions with you because I hardly know you, goodbye.

Answer #14

If you’re lying to others, you’re lying to yourself that it’s ok….both morally wrong…..

Answer #15


Answer #16

lying to yourself, no doubt

Answer #17

Lying to others.

Answer #18

Yourself, if you lie to yourself enough you’ll actually start believing it too.

Answer #19

Yourself. Some people would say that lying to others would also be lying to yourself because you are tricking yourself because you are tricking yourSelf that it’s ok. I think that some people can fully accept that what they’re doing is wrong, and will do it anyways. Living to yourself, tricks you, it deceives the mind and is no better than being insane. Also, it tricks others into what you believe. You believe so much that others think you must be right. You convince one other gullible fool and another comes, and majority rules after that. It doesn’t matter really, likings only difference is whether you are also a victim of your own tricks. -sincerely, a liar-

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