Questions & Answers

  1. What is the difference between hallelujah and alleluia?
  2. What if I went back in time and played Slipknot in Victorian Era?
  3. Why do my boyfriend make me feel like he dont care about me ?
  4. How do you make a hide everything/short default a social site layout?
  5. How do I Sing Like Adam Gontier?
  6. why am I not good at talking?
  7. How can a marine have domestic partnership?
  8. what is wrong with my period?
  9. Which one should I choose?
  10. What was the faulklands war?
  11. What should I do cant drive, its rainging out, and bored?
  12. Why do I have a sensitive spot on my butt?
  13. How to get my blonde hair back??
  14. Why doesnt my mom love me any more?
  15. why is my ab small?
  16. why does my friend think I write depressing poems?
  17. Who can discuss with me about peer pressure?
  18. What is a cool group name that starts with a j?
  19. How do I know if my arm is broken or just fractured?
  20. How can I calm down?!?
  21. Why do you think premarital sex is not a sin?
  22. What should I do about my A's and D's?
  23. how do I find a great guy that I can trust around my son?
  24. how to tell my mother I have depression?
  25. what happens when you have sex for the first time?
  26. What is this plant that caused a rash?
  27. how to masturbate in the bath tub?
  28. where is the least expensive place to go snowboarding?
  29. why am I feeling this way?
  30. Should I tell this guy how I feel?
  31. What is it like to love someone undcondistionally?
  32. Why Do I Get Affended When People Call Me Fat ?
  33. Where?I'm 16 where can I work without job experience?
  34. why doctors wont diognose if I have diabetes ?
  35. How do I masterbate?
  36. How can I change a Sprite's ability in Grand Fantasia?
  37. what can I do about my cat ?
  38. How do you know if your finger is fracture or just jam?
  39. Why/How is it so hard to get into Harvard?
  40. Can Anyone Help Me De-Stress?
  41. What is good to eat for a family friday?
  42. what happens if Condom split but on Pill..Please help?
  43. What are some of your favorite dunkin donuts iced coffees?
  44. what are some remedies for gout?
  45. How much will taking my new kitten to the vets cost?
  46. How can you tell if your nose is infected?
  47. How to desribe that? is that going crazy or its normal?
  48. Why Can't You Leave Answers To Some Questions??
  49. How do I sleep with my sister-in-law?
  50. why don't I like sleeping over at other friend's houses?
  51. what are good bands in the rock genre?
  52. how rewarding would a backpack trip through southeast asia be?
  53. What/ is this safe?
  54. What should I do? I really wanna change my look?
  55. What color eye shadow should a blue eyed person wear?
  56. how long dose 14 perk 5's take to get out of your system?
  57. How much to paint an 1800 sg. Foot interior of a house?
  58. Why cant I give myself good pleasure?
  59. How do I lose 20-28lbs by summertime?
  60. Why is the movie 'cop out' rated r?
  61. What do rate my poem?
  62. What helps raise confidence?
  63. Who do you think is better; percy jackson or harry potter?
  64. Who thinks its alright if me and my best friend finger each other?
  65. What can I do about my two loves??
  66. Why do I have to pee when I'm having sex?
  67. What are some great apps for 2-year-olds?
  68. Which color: red, brown, or blonde?
  69. How do I stop creditors from calling me?
  70. Why is the fullback position (american football) becoming obsolete?
  71. How would a 15 year old boy bulk up?
  72. Can you wear lip piercing in highschool??
  73. How do I tell me parents?
  74. How to unlock all the states?
  75. How do I get this guy to like me?
  76. What will happen to me if I tell?
  77. How do I get a toned tummy?
  78. How do you eat a girl out?
  79. Who thinks im going to get my period soon according to these signs?
  80. How do you dowload songs from itunes to your ipod touch?
  81. What age do you have to be to go to a shooting range?
  82. Where does the penis go during sexual intercourse?
  83. How can you block a number on a cricket A100 (cell phone)?
  84. How do I babysit 6 kids at once, is it hard?
  85. Where can I find american history information?
  86. How can I get close to the lord?
  87. What to do when your best friend talks about you?
  88. How can I get music from computer to my krazer phone?
  89. Who likes The new singer ke$ha?
  90. What school spring sport should I do ?
  91. What is the scottish minimum wage for 18 year olds ?
  92. What are some good things to put on fortune tellers??
  93. How is it not sexual abuse?
  94. How to be famous?
  95. Why do guys suck?
  96. Is there any way I can make the clay dry faster?
  97. How can I change my picture into a vampire?
  98. What should I say to him, does age matter?
  99. How do I get over my ex?
  100. What can I do with this clay?