How do I tell me parents?

so my parents are reallly strick and wouldnt let me date till I was 15. but I turned 15 on jan.15 and I’ve been dating this guy since dec. im pretty sure that they would freak out if I told them I date. so how do I tell them easily?

Answer #1

introduce him to them they will think your being mature about it and being open with them should make them trust you the worst thing you could do is hide it from them because when they find out, and they usually do they probably wont be too happy about it.

Answer #2

Don’t just introduce him to them.. What if they freak out in front of him? Or start freaking out to him… Just sit them down and talk to them..

Answer #3

Well your fifteen know and you can date aording to your perents rules. So tell them about him and meaby meet up so they know that everythings ganna be ok. Meaby start off by remembering them that the age of 15 is the age when they said you could date.

Answer #4

Since they are so strict you should tell them that you have met a guy that you are interested in dating and that since you are now 15 you would like to get their consentment to see him and that you would like to have him over so that he can formally introduce himself to them.The idea is to sound mature and respectfull so that they can see how grown up you are and that you considered them parents love to feel considered especialy when it comes to dating makes them feel like you are not taking them for granted, I hope this helps

Answer #5

agrees dont , just invite him oer and say yous are starting to date ,, am sure parents are strict cause they care , they know you dont always obey all the rules , but dont need to know you started dateing a lil sooner


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