How can I calm down?!?

Holy jeez!! My best friend just confessed his love for me! D: im freaking out!! Like we were all happy texting eachother and all of a sudden he texts me saying “you know I love you to death right” and I got the bad fluttery feeling in my tummy and I was like o_o””?!?!?! Wth?! Ahh! I’ve known him fer 3 years and hes one of my best friends!! I texted him back saying “huh?” but he hasnt said anything yet xx someone needs to help me calm down oo ahh he just texted me back dd: I need help!!

Answer #1

Look, first of all calm down. You have plenty of time because it is the weekend and you don’t HAVE TO reply to his texts. Also, do you like him in that way too? Because its critical to know if you do or dont

Answer #2

I know how it is when a bestfriend loves you I had that happn 2, but da question is that if you feel da same way 2?? from there you can kinda guess how its gona be, 3 years is a lot and dats good 4 a friendship, and ya feelins start developin 4 bieng friends that long, so find out if you feel da same, think bout your feelings and then if you feel da same let em know but even if your feelins are not da same you should still let him know and hopefully he understands…let me know if dis helps

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