Questions & Answers

  1. Can you guys and girls tell me what comes to mind when you listen to these 8 songs?
  2. what are sum good organization tips?
  3. Can anyone tell me why I can't ever get full when I eat Ramen Noodles?
  4. Why do some people call the color purple blue instead of purple?
  5. How old do you have to be to go tannaing?
  6. Why would my dogs fur constantly shed and her fur has changed drastically from very shiny coat to dull dry coat.?
  7. How could I make this make sense if it doesnt already?
  8. Would you ever get married, just to please your parents?
  9. How can i cover a pimple really well with limited makeup products?
  10. how can you get the smell out of clothing that has been stored w/ mothballs?
  11. where can i buy a shirt with a nice pitbull on it for my boyfriend?
  12. How do you pronounce the name “Herb”? Is it (herb) or (erb)?
  13. What am I doing wrong in my family?
  14. What did King George do with the Grievances that the colonists sent him?
  15. whats is the most fluffy thing in tha world!?
  16. What is your preference when it comes to conversing?
  17. What's the real reason Randy Moss was kicked off the Minnesota Vikings football team?
  18. Why is it that when I finally get a good night sleep, I feel more tired than when I don't sleep well?
  19. Who should I go to, if I have a idea of an business?
  20. How do I get tree sap off of clothes?
  21. What did Andrew Carnegie contribute that we use today?
  22. What is your opinion about Limewire being banned?
  23. is it true that coral reefs might not be their in like 50 yrs!?
  24. What caused the BP oil spill?
  25. Why do you think women cannot compete with men in competitive market when you see so many women in top now?
  26. Why do i sometimes get a burning sensation (not well urinating) up inside my v@gina?
  27. why is it that we arent allowed to curse in skools!?
  28. What is on everyones christmas list this year?
  29. what is the oldest band that is STILL singing?
  30. what is the one leading show this year so far?
  31. How will the Assassin's creed: Brotherhood multiplayer end up like?
  32. Can i download a android app to my computr and then transfer it by USB connection to my phone?
  33. how to stop bleeding instantly?
  34. Why do i randomly chew on the inside of my mouth?
  35. How to deal with splitting up the holidays when you have a family of your own?
  36. is it true that in some parts of africa they sew girls v@ginas shut and burn off their clitoris?
  37. Where can I download the song walk in silence by nomy?
  38. Why do people say I'm too nice?
  39. how come many American houses are built with wood?
  40. how can u be confident about something if ur actually not?
  41. What exercises will work off a little bit of fat around the bellybutton?
  42. How is that under age kids are allowed to work in some countries?
  43. How do u unsee something?
  44. Do you think David Archuleta resembles Keanu Reeves?
  45. Does anyone here have night terrors? i would have them every night when i was little. id scream and cry. then wake up the next morning and not remember a thing.
  46. Should I tell my mom that my dad used to rape me?
  47. Are we allowed to give our own points to members if they have a birthday as a gift?
  48. Should I have a 'front for my skateboard?
  49. Where does the toetag go on a dead person if they don't have toes?
  50. Can you be forced to get tested to see if your a virgin?
  51. why does this website have some kind of a FB set up?
  52. What's your opinion on parents bringing their 10 and 11 year old kids to go see Jackass 3D?
  53. Does the TV show, Gossip Girl, have a bad influence on late teens/young adults minds?
  54. What is the rice to water ratio for a rice cooker?
  55. Who knows if I can order a ppv fight live & watch it on my laptop?
  56. what type of truck should I get, ford chevy or dodge?
  57. What are reasons for believing in Capital Punishment, and reasons for not?
  58. whats a fun way to celebrate your 21st birthday?
  59. Why don't they have prices for margaritas at chillies?
  60. Are Euro banknotes made out of the same thing as US dollars?
  61. who knows if pot will be legalized in Houston?
  62. what is an uncle Tom?
  63. Does anyone know of a website where you can nominate someone for making a difference in your life?
  64. Why don’t you get in trouble if you admit you do dr.ugs, but you get in trouble if you’re caught doing dr.ugs?
  65. Should I tell the gym teacher???
  66. What are some advantages to drinking milk daily?
  67. What's a good name for a story about some people getting trapped on a deserted island?
  68. What does an I-pad do, and how good is it?
  69. Can u get viruses from using frostwire?
  70. how can i stop my nose stud from scratching inside my nose ?
  71. how much is Black Ops for ps3?
  72. why has my ipod deleted everything?!?!?!
  73. What is the best advice you've ever given or recieved?
  74. why is it that when a guy has a somewhat small or medium pen!s girls are ok with it, but when girls have little boobs guys dont like it or they make fun of
  75. Do you think answers using Google are appropriate on this site?
  76. Is it illegal to make CD’s on your computer, and then sell them?
  77. Why does my mom procrasinate so much?
  78. Where can i find a physciatrist in central new jersey that is a woman and is not indian,muslim,or any of those?
  79. What would be a good problem for a bottle rocket science project?
  80. Does showering keep me from getting head aches(wait/read for details)?
  81. Is it true that Obama's trip to India just landed Americans 54,000 new jobs?
  82. What is a way to find a religion where u belong?
  83. What's the best way to take care of bleached hair?
  84. How do you make Italian style meatballs out of beef?
  85. Why does my cell phone keep typing in random stuff?
  86. Do you think Christina Aguilera has a great voice, and seems to be different than others like Brittney Spears, and Miley Cyrus?
  87. what makes plants turn yellow?
  88. what is a secret shopper, or undercover shopper?
  89. Why do people pretend to have turret syndrom?
  90. why does chewing tobacoo make u spit?
  91. Is there a way I can find out how I lose points on FA?
  92. What is a good program to burn mp3's?
  93. what makes some animals only able to see in black and white?
  94. Why do most models have blue eyes?
  95. Where did "no shave november" come from?
  96. What is the history behind guy fawkes day?
  97. Why dont you ever see a model with freckles?
  98. Do anybody know which town of Slovenia is the most biggest?
  99. Does wiccans believe in heaven?
  100. Is this a special case of turrets or is he faking?