Can you guys and girls tell me what comes to mind when you listen to these 8 songs?

They’re on this website:

Oh and please, for my sake, go into as much detail as to how they make you feel as possible!

Answer #1

1st song: i think it’s most likely teen runaways that are maybe in love - whether that love is erotic or fraternal is up for debate if you ask me, but it is def in evidence. 2: i have no idea 3: i think there’s no deep deep meaning in this song, their bluntly stating the expectancy of a well off musician’s life. 4: my interpretation of this song is that the protagonist was the one in love, and the person he is singing about knows it and uses it to satisfy their ego…if that makes sense?. the other person knows that it is hard for him to have her hanging around and sending little reminders of herself, when he is trying to get over her. 5: it’s a very honest song, and I think it has deep meaning. it’s a little mushy, but so what! it’s still a good song, and it’s very poetic. i think that this song is they’re interpretation of the poem anabell lee, by edgar allen poe. (pardon spelling) “took the only girl i loved and drowned her deep inside of me” he cant let go of her. even when shes gone. 6: i think it’s about reminiscing or regret. 7: its a kid whose a little lost/confused but then meets someone special while on a trip in carolina. 8: this song seems like it’s about just enjoying a great day, enjoying life and all of the great times it can bring. the first thing that came to my mind was…happiness? i guess lol

these were the first 8 songs… i think there’s more though…

Answer #2

Thank you for the lovely insight and yeah, there’s more but this is just the playlist that I wanted to focus on for myself :) I happen to like all these songs very much the same and I wanted to see what other people can get out of them in comparison to myself :)

Answer #3

None of them will play for me? I tried a few times=/

Answer #4

Oh my… :( that is not good, I’ll see if I can get you the name of the songs :)

Answer #5

I liked ocean spray. I guess all poetry is open to interpretation. I saw it as someone who’d lost hope and given up and their loved one was begging them to stay alive (turns out it was about a mother dying of cancer). I liked the melody of dreamworld. It made absolutely no sense, but it also seemed a little sad, like it was about a girl who’d had hopes and dreams but she was now stuck in this place getting high. Actually the songs generally seemed kinda sad. Maybe if i’d been high as the site suggested :P

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