why is it that we arent allowed to curse in skools!?

i mean it states in the 1st amendment that we have freedom of speech..RIGHT!??

Answer #1

it’s vulgarity and they think that it is nasty and inaappropriate lmao.it has nothing to do with school.it would lead to bullying as well.And i guess freedom of speech would mean that you can state your opinion.they also want a safe learning enviornment for people to grow up and become sucessful people in,besides mouthing off.

Answer #2

Well its not respectful to curse, and also by going to school you give up some of your freedoms.

Answer #3

Yes it does state that but what you need to understand is that the consitution is designed to limit the power of the central government. Back when the bill of rights was freshly impemented, state governments could well impose speech prevention laws and the central government couldn’t do a thing about it.

The amendment gives you freedom of speech, not unlimited speech and that’s the big difference. At least that’s how I see it.

Answer #4

Why would you want to curse? ever? its vulgar and not lady-like at all. it’s disrespectful to elders too. if youre still in school then that means your under 18, and that means youre technicly still a child so thats even worse. school is a place for learning, not only cognitively but learning respect and manners too. swearing is a bad and flithy habbit and i tottaly agree with it being a rule in schools.

Answer #5

It’s not about taking away your freedom of speech, it’s about teaching the correct way to communicate…so when you exercise that freedom you won’t be misunderstood.

The teachers are there to teach, they are teaching respect.

Answer #6

I could argue that using vulgarity is a way to emphasize the point that you are trying to make. I could also argue that “correct” way to communicate is simply an idealistic thought that has no realistic support :)

Answer #7

Yes, but if you end up in business in with a degree and work with people who have class then that idealistic thought will go out the window and you’ll get beat up (so to speak) in real life because you couldn’t learn basic communication skills :)

Answer #8

Yes, we do have freedom of speech. But schools are preparing you for the real world. At school, if you swear or curse, you will get probably a detention. At work, depending on your job line, you will get a warning. With too much foul language at work you could get fired. It’s also disgusting and quite sad when I see kids swearing trying to be cool.

Answer #9

Then that must ultimately mean that everyone is going into this business ordeal and that isn’t the case, is it?

Answer #10

Freedom of speech is one thing and then insulting someone is onother thing. Can’t people express themself with mature, non-offensive words?

Answer #11

Nope, but hopefully everyone will get a job, where they will be working with many different types of people, some of which will not return for business if they do use vulgar language.

Answer #12

The freedom of speech is not a free for all. You’re not allowed to yell fire in a crowed room. And if your hate speech inspires violence, you get into trouble. So, no, the first amendment is not the freedom to say WHATEVER you want. As for not being allowed to curse in school, there are rules in school. If your parents have an issue with those rules, they are free not to send you to school and to home school you instead (sorry, as minors you automatically have fewer freedoms, so it is not your choice to stay at home). No one is infringing on your freedoms. If you want to stay at home and curse (and have your parent’s permission), go for it.

Answer #13

You can curse alright……. but a curse has a boomerang (pardon da english) effect….. it alway comes back to wack success of life away from you….. If you notice that all intellegent people will distance themselves from those whom advertize negativity of cursing…. ya you go ahead curse all you want…… you’ll never find out what that quiet Guy that quietly walked away from your filthy mouth had blessing and prosperity to offer you……..bye bye…

Answer #14

You can curse alright……. but a curse has a boomerang (pardon da english) effect….. it alway comes back to wack success of life away from you….. If you notice that all intellegent people will distance themselves from those whom advertize negativity of cursing…. ya you go ahead curse all you want…… you’ll never find out what that quiet Guy that quietly walked away from your filthy mouth had blessing and prosperity to offer you……..bye bye…

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