Questions & Answers

  1. What to do if you are having suicidal thoughts?
  2. What's the fastest car that's even been created til today?
  3. What all have you learned from being on FunAdvice so far?
  4. how do i get rid of my chest infection?
  5. Is it true that once your 16 social services cant get involved with you anymore, or is it till 18?
  6. are there times when an idea is too dangerous to be openly discussed or taught?
  7. Do you think that Asian people usually look younger than they actually are?
  8. What do you think is the most confrontational subject to discuss and why?
  9. Where is a website that I can send a photo to that they can identify a parasitic worm?
  10. how do you bock your router internet?
  11. What's the worse sports injury you've ever had?
  12. How do you delete your profile picture on fun advice?
  13. what is a UV clear piercing?
  14. What are the emotional effects of Downs syndrome?
  15. Why did they discontinue making gamecube games ?
  16. What are the ranges for laptop prices?
  17. What do I do when every time I click a specific question in this site, I get logged out?
  18. Why does my leg look like its got reptilian skin?
  19. What exactly is a sugar plum?
  20. Is it possible to get high without doing drugs?
  21. Why do I bloat whenever I eat or drink?
  22. Why is it important to display confidence without arrogance in business world or in any situation?
  23. does piercing your clit hurt? and how long does it take to heel?
  24. Why is it that every morning I wake up with a really bad headache?
  25. Who wrote Rapunzel?
  26. Why did I become so itchy 5 hrs later after taking a 150mg of alpha lipoic acid?
  27. Would you choose diapers or pads if your child started their period between the ages of 2 and 5 years old?
  28. What kind of materials do you look for in eyeshadow or any kind of makeup products that determine they are healthy for the skin?
  29. Is it true that if you drink coke & eat poprocks your head will explode :O?
  30. Can you feed horses peppermints?
  31. How can some women [and men] be so "GLAMOROUS" all the time?
  32. what is the main ingredient in toothpaste?
  33. Why is everything blurry after i stop reading a book etc.?
  34. DO you think parents ahould be able to control who their kids date?
  35. How do I add Album Artwork in iTunes?
  36. What is our state in Heaven?
  37. Why Can't I play games on my laptop anymore?
  38. What country has the nicest beaches?
  39. how do you know wether an orb is good or bad?
  40. What time should I be at a free concert, if it starts at 5pm?
  41. How do you make videos of your computer screen, instead of screen shots?
  42. Is there any women violence against women in USA?
  43. Does anybody know any good wii fit work out games where you loose weight fast ?
  44. Is "shan't" a word?
  45. What does "whey aye" mean?
  46. Why is my arm still sore in the place i got my flu shot from 2 weeks ago?
  47. What is a decent open source FTP for Ubuntu?
  48. Who else thinks that Mila Kunis looks like Rachel Bilson in a way?
  49. What is a good shoe to get that has extra heel support?
  50. Whats the best way to get an old tile floor clean?
  51. What is the best way to hang up posters?
  52. Wheres the best place to buy nicely Fitting bras?
  53. Does paint color affect the air circulation in houses?
  54. how do i cut parts out of songs?
  55. How Much Money Can I Get from this car accident?
  56. What are some species (animals, plants etc) that males have it harder than females?
  57. What is a really strong brand of hairspray?
  58. Are sending/receiving pictures part or included in text messages?
  59. can teeth burn and melt?
  60. what does it take to get a restraining order against your ex boyfriend?
  61. why does my dad go to his nieces sport games and never too mine?
  62. Is it easy to learn songs on an acoustic guitar over the internet?
  63. What's the main priority in your life?
  64. What do you think is the worst thing that has happened to the world in the past 5 years?
  65. How to download a file in
  66. Is it considered littering if you vomit out the window of your car?
  67. Do you think it would be fair for someone between the ages of 14 and 18 to have a babysitter, because they are immature?
  68. Can Xbox live be played with a Dial up connection?
  69. How far along do you have to be for your first prenatal visit?
  70. How do you "turn away" from things that annoy you?
  71. Why when my laptop goes into sleep mode by my mistake i can't get it at out of it without shutting it down?
  72. How do u get a profile picture 2 work on this site?
  73. what kind of camera do i need to connect to the ps3?
  74. Is Blood On The Dance Floor's album "Let's Start A Riot" available to purchase in disc form?
  75. are there any engineers here that know how to use a piezoelectric sensor to measure weight ?
  76. Can you check out earlier from a reservation you made at a hotel?
  77. Why can't I just as feminine as my sister?
  78. When you have a baby, and you deliver the nasty/hard is it?
  79. Should a teacher be fired for telling a student this?
  80. What is your opinion on some high school dropouts?
  81. why am i suddenly feeling hungry all the time and even when have eaten i still feel hungry??
  82. Is it normal you to get wet when masturbating?how do you know if it's cum?
  83. What is wrong with mom's who thing it's fine to bring boys into the women's locker room?
  84. How do you bake a cake with a perfectly flat top or cylindrical?
  85. What ONE word could be used to write an inspirational essay?
  86. Is Ol' Roy soft & moist beef a good dog food for my dog?
  87. Is there a reason that when i get up fast from sitting for a long time that everything goes white and i cant see anything?
  88. What is an easy way to cure horrible dog breathe?
  89. What's the difference between green olives & black olives ?
  90. What is Protest The Hero's recording studio called?
  91. how can you know if a man has a feminine face?
  92. what are other words for yes that sounds professional?
  93. What are some wild songs with crazy bass like the song, "Fly like a G6"?
  94. Why do I keep feeling like I'm going to pass out?
  95. Why does it that when I drink pop, my eyes water?
  96. Is there a way to teach yourself how not to get emotional about certain things?
  97. Does anybody know what cipher in hip hop is?
  98. What was the Union and the Confederacy's view on states' rights?
  99. How do you get married in the sims two?
  100. What is the main point to watch SCARY MOVIES?