Questions & Answers

  1. Do you understand the british accent?
  2. why is the UPnP on my play station 3 allways not available?
  3. what can i do if dogs (pit bull types) keep attacking my dog?
  4. how to do a moon walk?
  5. What is a good brand of hair wax, one that flexable as well?
  6. Who was the cruelest ruler of anytime, and what made them the cruelest?
  7. Is there a way to find out who liked your answer on a status update?
  8. How safe is the site "myyearbook" ?
  9. What are some songs from Elise Estrada?
  10. Is the snowboard brand "Burton" really good?
  11. What would be a good poem about colours?
  12. Who shot Wild Bill Hickok?
  13. Why does my cat rub her butt on the carpet?
  14. Are you sick if your nose is stuffed and your voice is messed up?
  15. What is the best way to pierce your ear?
  16. What are some common things people do when they lie?
  17. How much does a shrink usually cost?
  18. can i get milk at the age of 18?
  19. Is it really possible to be bulimic and anorexic at the same time?
  20. where is a safe place to store photos online?
  21. Can a woman of above 30 years old start learning muscle art like karate?
  22. How does chromatography work, in a really easy explanation?
  23. is the opera browser good?
  24. where can i download the computer software for my nokia n97?
  25. why cant i pass my exams test?
  26. Why do people use the expression "When Pigs Fly"?
  27. What is a good breed of tarantula for a beginner owner that is available in Australia?
  28. How long would a really big cookie last for?
  29. whats the difference between the paml [ixi nd the palm pixi plus ?
  30. whats the best way to discipline children?
  31. Why is it wrong to have long hair if you a guy?
  32. Do you think the cookie monster is a good role model for kids to look up to?
  33. Who thinks Michael Jackson was a legend?
  34. what questions should you ask yourself when writing chemical formulas?
  35. how to unclog arteries?
  36. What do you use to buy things off the internet if your to young to have a credit card?
  37. what questions do you ask when naming compounds?
  38. What do you do if your mom's freind's baby had a really gross explosion in her pants and is screaming and crying?
  39. can you edit my photo and make my hair browwn?
  40. what are cute hairstyles for hair a little past my really thick and have side bangs long side bangs...not hard hair styles 20 minutes tops?
  41. Do the Detroit Lions lose just bc of bad calls?
  42. How much would it cost to change your Name?
  43. Does anyone know of a good indoor tanning lotion that isn't too pricey?
  44. What in your opinion is the best brand for acustic electric guitars?
  45. can anyone tell me if they think tis song is good ?
  46. How can you start getting credit at stores?
  47. What is the best gun in Call of Duty Black Ops and what attachments should you add?
  48. How do I lose my Self-Esteem Issues?
  49. Who knows if there is any nudity in the movie "the six degrees of helter skelter" 2009?
  50. Do you naturally start to eat healthier when you're sick?
  51. Why does it always hurt to pee after my boyfriend fingers me?
  52. Does Krazy Glue dry clear on paper?
  53. How do you make icons?
  54. What are the ridges on the "F" and "J" keys for?
  55. how long dose swelling last for a new pirceing?
  56. does this sound good for a laptop?
  57. Do u like the old or new Avril Lavigne better?
  58. Why do poor people in poor countries have children when they can't even afford anything for themselves, and are sick with AIDS?
  59. Do you think the country would have been better off if Hilary Clinton would have won the election instead of Obama?
  60. Is there any way to get salad dressing out of a book?
  61. What do you think of that song 'whip my hair' Willow Smith?
  62. Where can I buy baker's white chocolate?
  63. Why do I feel like I want to be friends with my teacher?
  64. What's a challenge that Luxembourg is undergoing today?
  65. whats goin on with Msn ?
  66. What is up with Demi Lovato sex scandal?
  67. Is there a way that i can make my Google faster?
  68. What is the healthiest breakfast food?
  69. What are some good methods for focusing?
  70. Is there a program i can use to scan pictures?
  71. How can I fix my heater in my car?
  72. How can I gain confidence to be myself around other people and not hide my true self..?
  73. Do you think 9/11 was a cover up to remove the trade towers, or was it a real terror attack?
  74. Does anyone know When a Peny farthing bicycles was invented, and why its called that?
  75. Can someone recover if they have poision in their blood?
  76. What's the best webcam to buy for my laptop?
  77. Why does my 128 gigabyte Kingston data traveler flash drive keep corrupting?
  78. What is a harlot?
  79. why does my hair become more tangled and curly more readily in winters?
  80. Should I be worried about my plaster sculpture heart cracking?
  81. Does running the steps at a track help tone as well as running the track itself?
  82. What are some solutions to rid of violence in video games that the public could do?
  83. why is it when my 7 week in pregnant friend eats NOTHING can be kept down?
  84. Where i can Download Tron Legacy Movie?
  85. Why is it, that horses dont vomit?
  86. What do you think of the new Sony DSC-TX7 Cyber shot Digital Camera?
  87. how do you get expierence in body piercings?
  88. what does a heart attack feel like?
  89. Who has heard of the Kobo Literati eBook reader?
  90. Is the tax break for Social Security a good idea?
  91. Is it normal for a males skin on his pen!s to peel?
  92. What do you do when your parents just flip out?
  93. Is Forex trading illegal in some countries?
  94. Who has heard of "The Craigslist K!ller"?
  95. Why the hell would this chick tell me these things?
  96. do u really get high off of smarties?
  97. do you prefer the old eminem to the new eminem?
  98. What is the average cats lifespan?
  99. What are the best things to buy from japan?
  100. How badly does it hurt to have a septate hymen surgically fixed?