Do you think 9/11 was a cover up to remove the trade towers, or was it a real terror attack?

I was watching Conspiracy Theories on true TV and then I have always wondered how the building came down so perfectly. When a building is hit like that is should fall over like a tree, to the side of weakness.

Answer #1

Of course it was a real terror attack.

Answer #2

it was a real terror attack but bush knew it was going to happen but he didnt do anything to stop it.

Answer #3

That’s right. It was a cover up … they just wanted to make room for a new parking lot and the zoning commission was giving them a bad time so they had to clear the spot with airplanes.

Answer #4

Whoever did it, they were terrorists!!!

Answer #5

I think it was planned by bush.

Answer #6

I wouldn’t judge so quick. There is no solid evidence to prove who really done it. It’s more of a debate issue. It only causes racism and hatred with some people. Everyone has a side to the story. The media, the Americans, the society, everyone. The Internet is filled with sources that will try to play with our minds. Afterall, it’s in the past now. Nothing can be changed, what’s done is done. People will tell you it was a cover up and give you some lacking so called “evidence” and others will blame the Muslims. Because the steel beams of the WTC towers were shipped to China to be melted down, that brought curiosity. The fact that the actual evidence was destroyed, people thought, was evidence itself. I mean it was probably the closest source of proof and it was just shipped to be destroyed? Now that makes people wonder. Anyways, like I said, what’s done is done. Everyones entitled to their own opinion at the end of the day.

Answer #7

no it was a real terror attack,by deluded cowards,

Answer #8

I believe it was a real terror attack.

Answer #9

It it was just a way to get rid of them I want to have been there at the meeting when they decided. “So we need a new parking lot, should we just get rid of the trade towers?” “Well how are we going to go about doing that?” “We could just could just blow it. NO! Wait! We should ram a plane into it!” “But won’t that kill loads of people and be devastating?” “Yeah but it will be so AWESOME! People will love it!”

It was real because I really can’t see that meeting ever happening.

Answer #10

it was a real terror attack a lot of people died for no reason and we went to war for over 9 years on it yeah it was a terror attack

Answer #11

I actually Lolled.

Answer #12

Well thank you. :)

Answer #13

yes they are whoever they were they are still deluded cowards,

Answer #14

how can they keep that big of a lie if it wasnt a real terror attack

Answer #15

Besides the evidence that would implicate the US government staging this event in order to bring war to the middle east in an effort to acquire oil reserves and fill the coffers of war contractors, the physics of the collapse of the towers points to controlled demolition.

First, to address some whistleblowers, the Zelikow report omitted many testimonies and other information that conflicted with their [Philip Zelikow was a member of Bush’s cabinet] story.

They omitted Norman Mineta’s testimony concerning an aid updating Vice President Cheney as to the ETA of Flight 77 and asked Cheney if the orders still stood. One can infer that the orders were to have NORAD the North American Air Defense system to stand down and not attempt to intercept the incoming jet.

Two Air Force captains testimonies were expunged from the record when their timeline conflicted with the FAA’s, corroborating the belief that NORAD had ample time to be alerted and to intercept the jets once their transponders had been disabled.

Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer of Army intelligence had warned the CIA of chatter that Al Qaeda had been preparing for an attack in the United States. The info came to be given the codename Able Danger. Lt. Col. Shaffer tried to publish a book detailing the effort put into obfuscating his warning only to have large portions of the book redacted by the US intelligence services.

Sibel Edmonds, a Turkish language translator for the FBI, discovered duplicity among American intelligence assets and reported it to her superiors. The info mostly concerned arms being transferred through Turkey to members of Al Qaeda. She was then fired from her job and issued a gag order to prevent her from talking to congress. State secrets privilege was cited as the justification for the gag order.

Hani Hanjour, the supposed pilot of Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon could not fly a paper airplane in an empty hangar. According to flight instructors, he could not fly a single engine Cessna with enough proficiency to rent the plane. Flight Data Recorders for Flight 77 record the cockpit doors never having been opened the entirety of flight. How could terrrists storm the cockpit without opening the door?

Osama Bin Laden was a former CIA asset by the cover name Tim Osman. He had procured weapons from the US during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan fighting with the mujahedeen. The Mujahedeen was financed by the US and formed under the direction of National Security Advisor. Zbigniew Brzezinski under President Carter. The name Al qaeda is Arabic for “the database” and is the name for the list of mujahedeen fighters who comprise it.

The most glaring omission on behalf of the Zelikow Report was the collapse of WTC7. The 47 story building located about a city block away from 1&2 collapsed entirely at free fall speed, despite not having been hit by a plane. Was this not important enough to receive an investigation, let alone mention, by the report?

Back to the towers. The physics of the falls doesn’t add up. The NIST report that was used to explain the initial collapse, not the complete collapse, had to rely on computer modeling with widely exaggerated input ratios to even produce a collapse in the damaged portions of the building. The structural rigidity of the undamaged portions of the towers, following a collapse of the damaged portions and the weight of the tower that had been sustained by the damaged portions, should have forced the debris to fall away from the standing structure where the open air offered less resistance. Over 1400 architects and engineers have concluded that the collapse of the buildings were impossible as they have been explained by the government. Collected debris from the trade centers has been proven to contain active thermate, an explosive used by demolitions experts. All of the steel from the trade centers was recycled before an independent investigation could be carried out to see if explosives were used.

Answer #16

That was what I thought, I have never seen an uncontrolled collapse of a structure every just fall in on itself, but all these buildings fell in on their own foot print.

Answer #17

wish I had seen this q earlier. I am always late.

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