Questions & Answers

  1. Why is my Mom forcing me to eat?
  2. What is the best age for pregnancy?
  3. Is Internet marketing the best way to earn money at home?
  4. How to earn money without effort?
  5. How much are Converse shoes in America?
  6. If there's no Bible tomorrow, could someone recite it ?
  7. What to do about chronic ovarian cysts?
  8. Are there any good mystery shopping jobs?
  9. What if I feel like my Dad is leaving me for her?
  10. What did I do to be treated so poorly?
  11. Is it OK to be 16 and be a Mom?
  12. Who loves Justin Timberlake?
  13. What was your favorite scene in a romance movie?
  14. How to know if he's sincere?
  15. How long does Darvocet stay in your body?
  16. What to put on a Mix CD for my girlfriend?
  17. If my brother is bipolar, can I be too?
  18. Why is my nipple bleeding?
  19. Where to find Chinese street fight classes?
  20. Why am I so late for my cycle?
  21. What do you think when you hear the term 'immigrant'?
  22. Is my house really haunted?
  23. How to tell my parents I'm bulimic?
  24. What are good ways to style your hair?
  25. Should I give my friend an mp4 player?
  26. Are you happy?
  27. Do you always wear a seatbelt?
  28. Can someone give me comic advice?
  29. Is the Pope the Antichrist?
  30. measure the waist?
  31. How do I solve my boredom?
  32. How can I lighten my blue black hair?
  33. Will I lose weight by starving myself?
  34. What are some good love songs?
  35. How old must you be to move out in Ga?
  36. How to find the red coins in Super Mario 64?
  37. What are some good acne medicines and creams?
  38. How to describe what herpes is?
  39. How to watch videos not from Youtube on an iPod Touch?
  40. What are some gift ideas for a 12-year-old boy?
  41. How do I get a girl to like me?
  42. How to remove water spots from my car?
  43. Do women stop having sex after they orgasm?
  44. Do I have a history class phobia?
  45. How to feel about my parents' divorce?
  46. What should my girlfriend and I talk about?
  47. What are good make out tips?
  48. How to get help for my depression?
  49. My hair turned purple and green...can I dye it again?
  50. Would I be considered "scene"?
  51. How ugly am I?
  52. How do I tell my best friend that I'm bulimic?
  53. What's a cool science experiment on gravity?
  54. Am I at great risk of pregnancy?
  55. What is your Christmas Wishlist?
  56. Why am I always the heartbroken one?
  57. How do I find a sex offender in the UK?
  58. How long should your period last?
  59. Which name for my tortoise: Hector or Horatio?
  60. What's it like to have a baby?
  61. Has anyone played the game "Kindergarten with Milla"?
  62. What if I'm falling for my tutor who has a kid?
  63. Have you seen "The American Haunting"?
  64. What are these gritty dots under my eyes? (continued)
  65. What you wish for this Christmas?
  66. Should Clinton & Obama be President and Vice President?
  67. What does getting a tattoo feel like?
  68. What are some tips to ace an interview?
  69. If Jesus loves children, why are some homeless?
  70. Are the free masons still around?
  71. How do I text to England?
  72. Do you like Randy Orton or Chris Jerico?
  73. How do I pop the question?
  74. Where is the love?
  75. How can I quit smoking cigarettes?
  76. What are some ways I can save money?
  77. How to spend more time with him?
  78. How to hook a PS2 online without running through the modem?
  79. free dish network
  80. What's the best midrange Core 2 Processor?
  81. What do you think about pitbulls?
  82. Can I delete questions I've asked?
  83. How long should you brush your teeth?
  84. How do I get smooth skin?
  85. How to connect an alternator to a bicycle?
  86. How can you make your computer faster?
  87. How to choose a good life partner?
  88. How to lose a lot of weight in less than a month?
  89. Is there a golden rule that you and your family live by?
  90. Why do people think there's an age for love?
  91. pill or no pill???
  92. How long for this odor to dimish after I stopped The Pill?
  93. Who can answer my previous question?
  94. Would I be underweight?
  95. What if I love him but he's a jerk?
  96. Would this be considered "scene" hair?
  97. What's a Wiccan?
  98. How do I lose weight?
  99. How can I fit in more time to finish my homework?
  100. Is it wrong to not accept all of Judaism?