How do I pop the question?

I’ve been with my girlfriend for almost three years now. We live together, we share everything. Money, bills, time. We already act like we’re married, but I want to go a step farther. I want this girl to be my wife. My one and only, now and forever. I’ve been putting it off until we’re stable enough to start a family and put down some roots, and it’s been hard, but I think it’s time. There’s just one problem..I don’t know how to do it. I mean, I’ve got the ring and everything, but I want that one moment to be special. Something neither of us will ever forget. I want to propose to her in a way that isn’t cliche, or trite, or overused…I just don’t know. I’ve been wracking my brain, but I can’t come up with anything that’s good enough for her. Do you think you can help?

Answer #1

First off, let me say “YAY!”- I think it’s really wise of you to wait until you’re in a stable situation to start a family and set down roots. Big ups to you man!

I think you need to find something that’s unique to the both of you- My partner proposed to me by putting my ring in a Kinder surprise egg! (When we get one, he eats the chocolate, and I get the toy.) It was very special to us, as it was something we’ve been doing since we started dating.

The way he did it was really sweet- we had just had a huge argument (not part of the plan!), and I had fallen asleep on the bed. He came in and pulled open the curtains, knelt down next to me and said “Will you marry me?” I thought he was joking, so I responded “Don’t be a loser”, but he handed me a kinder surprise. I really knew he was joking then, so I opened it up, and… there was the most perfect ring in there!

I liked that he waited until a moment when it was just us- no family or friends to make a big deal about it, just so we could be happy about it together, by ourselves, and shear the special moment with just each other. Maybe you could try it, first thing in the morning, when you guys have just woken up. Saturdays are good, especially if you both have the day of, so you can sleep in. :)

Best of luck to you in proposing, and best of luck to the both of you for the future!

Answer #2

Thanks for the advice, guys. It still might be a little while before I actually ask her, at least until after Christmas…So I’ll use that time putting together something really special. You guys have given me the inspiration I needed to make the moment worth remembering :)

Answer #3

This is one that I have only heard of once! So, this guy made up a cool scavenger hunt for his g/f to go on at night(she happened to be with her friend, so that made it even more fun!) and he led her to different places with things like their first date and other memories for clues and the employees playing along and she finally got to him in a park, where he was waiting for her, and when she walked up to him, he got down on one knee and popped the question! He was sooo nervous, he actually dropped the ring! She of coarse said yes! That is the most creative one that I have heard of and she will love thinking about all of the fun you two have had together while she is trying to find you! After a proposal like that, she won’t be able to stop smiling! Good luck with you proposal, finance’, and the future! :)

Answer #4

Awww! im so happy for you, so congratulations on that!!!

I have this book that I found that has all these sweet ideas on popping the question and all that kind of stuff, once I remember the name of it, ill let you know. But anyway it has all these really sweet ways to purpose. You can read through a few and create your very own unique way to ask her from the ideas you got from what you read.

be back with the name later.

Answer #5

I Know I’m not the First to have a Comment OR am I ((( POP!! )))

wats that mean??

Answer #6

I Know I’m not the First to have a Comment OR am I ((( POP!! ))) does anyone no what that means??


Answer #7

I Know I’m not the First to have a Comment OR am I ((( POP!! )))

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