Do I have a history class phobia?

I have a history class tomorro and the thought of going to it makes me not want to live, please help me


Answer #1

killing youself for a subject…dumb…study,you will get the courage to pesevere…I just addd the drama

Answer #2

Dear red_rose_mafia, First of all if you take out the drama…such as it makes me not want to live will help you understand a little better. What do you mean to say…it makes me not want to go. Why don’t I want to go…I don’t understand the subject, the teacher makes me feel like I’m not very smart because I don’t understand the subject. Now take it a step further…get a tutor, and explain to the teacher you’re having a hard time with the subject so you’ve taken charge of it and have got a tutor. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

Sorry to keep asking questions, but:

What’s wrong with the teacher, and what period of history are you studying?

If you let me know, maybe I could help, or at least you know I care…

Answer #4

Is it the teacher, the kids, the subject, the classroom… what?

Answer #5

the teacher and the subject

Answer #6

Are you scared of everything?

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