How to tell my parents I'm bulimic?

I am very insecure, and I am the type of girl people walk all over. I am a nice girl. About a month ago I started eating less and less and the past couple of days I have started eating normal again but I have been throwing up afterwords. I know the risks, but I don’t know how to tell my parents I need help.

Answer #1

Its hard to tell your parents, believe me I just did that a few months ago. It depends on the level of trust you have with your parents though. Its usually good to tell someone, and so much better to talk to someone about this, someone who knows what they’re talking about. The good thing is you know that this isn’t right. I know what I do isn’t right, and I know people love me, and its hard. I hope you can tell someone or get someone. Eating wise, usually for me, it works best to eat a good, normal breakfast to keep you running, and an okay lunch and a small dinner. If you can take vitamins, thats good too. I don’t know how old you are, but I’m sixteen, and this is something that requires attention. I hope you find the right things to do, if you ever need any help or support, its best to tell a friend or something. Feel free to email me or visit for more support. Take care.

Answer #2

If you want them to know,but you dont dare to tell them,then throw up in front of them.But this may hurt them very badSo please stop all those.Well,im not asking you to throw up again.But im sure that you cant stop immediately right?Or you can write a letter.Go search for website about bulimia.Get help..Good luck! ^^

Answer #3

I don’t want to be rude but don’t listen to kozueworldz about throwing up in front of your parents speaking from experience its not the smartest thing to do. Usually there is a underlying problem when going through something like this for you it may be your self-esteem and for others it could be something competely random its different for everyone. The best thing to do is literally sit your parents down and just come out and tell them it’s one of the hardest things to admit and it will never be easy to admit to a eating disorder trust me I know. Tell them exactly how you feel and they will hopefully try to understand you. I know its hard but honestly its the best thing you can do for yourself good luck!

Answer #4

You don’t have to tell your parents first, you could go to your school counselor or some other trusting adult that you think could help you take the first steps! Maybe this person could be there for support when you go to tell your parents! That is so good that you are aware of your problem and you are asking for help! I’m very proud of you! You could also call a hotline that is specifically for eating disorders and they can walk you through the steps of what you should do and help you get referred for help also! Good luck and I hope you overcome this obstacle in your life!

Here is the website:

Answer #5

don’t go to your school consolur, they’ll call your parents if you don’t want them to tell you, and it only makes the situation worse.. I know from experience. gradually eat little things, like apples, oragnes, fruits or whatever you like… and just keep it down, you digest about every 5 hours, so keep little things down and then work up to a sandwihich or whatever.. hope I helped! =)

Answer #6

don’t listen to nicole dawn… honestly tell your school counseler first, they wont tell your parents … trust me… I am super close with my counseler. he/she will only tell someone when its at the point when your in there saying your going to kill yourself… but dont only tell your counseler… you need to tell your parents at some point and go to therapy, its the only way it will help…

good luck!

Answer #7

Hey. The first thing you have to find out is why you’re doing it. Do you have problems with your body, or is there some other reason? If you have problems with your body, then self induced vomiting will get you thinner. But at what price? Bad breath, loss of tooth enamil, stomach ulcers, yeah lots of bad stuff. What you want to do is figure out your weight (in lbs), then multiply it by 11. That’s how many calories you need a day to lose weight. Then what I do is I keep a little folded up piece of notebook paper, and a mini pen in my pocket, and write down everything I eat, and all the calories that come with it. I also try to eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 really big ones. That keeps the metabolism up, which helps you burn fat, and it also helped me stop purging. You should also try and eat more vegitables. Lots of vegitables are what we call ‘negative calorie foods’ which means that we use more calories digesting them than the food has in it. Celery espicially. Fruits are also really good, but they have lots of sugar (although it is natural). If you do this, you might not have to tell your parents. You might be able to solve your problem all on your own. I never had to tell my parents. Of course if you want to tell your parents, it’s a different story. Maybe ask a friend to tell them? I hope this helps. Good luck!

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