Questions & Answers

  1. How can I become an Advisor?
  2. How should I wear my makeup for the fourth of July?
  3. What would you do if your friend asked you to insert an enema because she's constipated?
  4. What are some good ideas for a sweet sixteen theme?
  5. Why do onions make us cry when we cut them up?
  6. What kind of laptop is cheap but really fast?
  7. Where can I download a program to overclock a mac?
  8. Is it possible to gain about an inch or even more on your stomach over night ?
  9. Whats the worst thing you've ever done in your life?
  10. How can you tell lettuce and cabbage apart?
  11. Is it possibe to know if someone is pregnant with twins at only 3 weeks ??
  12. What are some names that go with Jaeda or Jared?
  13. How can I make opening titles to put at the start of videos?
  14. Where did your most exciting paranormal experience take place and what was it?
  15. Can someone help with my strapless shirt problems?
  16. What is the Zumba fitness for Wii/PS3 theme song called and is it available to dance to on the game?
  17. How can I learn how to do different art things correctly?
  18. How can I become that kid that their parents love and never want to leave the house?
  19. What are some artists like Bon Iver?
  20. Is "Alpha and Omega" a good movie?
  21. What are some healthy vegetarian lunch recipes for a hot day?
  22. What diet would work best for a vegetarian working out?
  23. Who is the bandleader of Led Zeppelin?
  24. Why do birds sometimes stand on one leg?
  25. What foods should I eat to reduce the smell of my urine and poo?
  26. How much money (estimate) would it cost to travel to Paris, Barcelona, Rome, and some city in Greece?
  27. What kind of alcohol do you drink when you go out?
  28. Why do famous people shoplift if they already have money to buy everything?
  29. Why do I get these little bumps after tanning?
  30. Does anyone know this song off the new Transformers movie?
  31. Where can I create a thread where people can discuss my topic?
  32. What to wear for pear-shaped body?
  33. What is a "handler" for a Sprint phone?
  34. What to do on a 8-9 hour flight?
  35. Why am I not so comfortable around males, but very comfortable around females?
  36. What did you think of Scream 4?
  37. Is it safe to blowdry your hair when it isn't wet?
  38. Can I take pills with me when I go away (read description)?
  39. how to get out of a 6 month punishment?
  40. How safe is Greece, Athens right now?
  41. Does any one know any little remedies to help razor burn?
  42. How do you download stuff off of YouTube to go onto your iPod ?
  43. Is it true that if you put Diet Coke over your hair, it will fade hair dye?
  44. Do you find it cute/ a turn on when a guy smokes pot or cigarettes?
  45. Is there any law against having van door opens?
  46. Who is your favorite Contemporary Christian singer/artist or group?
  47. Who has had major surgery?
  48. Can I get a job as para-legal or medical secretary with a felony conviction?
  49. Do you think God will just get tired of seeing so much sins and destroy us all?
  50. What do you think of the Godfather III movie?
  51. Why do I see my body differently when I look in the mirror?
  52. Does alcohol cause bad skin (spots)?
  53. How can I become more confident?
  54. What is that program called that takes a snapshot of your computer screen?
  55. Why do people always run behind money?
  56. What is your experience and opinion of a ouija board?
  57. What would be a good keyboard (made by Yamaha) for a 13 year old to have?
  58. How do I properly use lacquer thinner?
  59. What are some special-to-Canada foods that I should and can mail to my friend in Malaysia?
  60. Is there such thing as an inferior glass nail file?
  61. Is God still creating nowadays?
  62. What is Splice Adhesive?
  63. What stops you from feeling depressed?
  64. Who has a beauty pantry?
  65. When going on holiday, what matters more to you: destination, price, weather, length of stay?
  66. Would you describe him as an alpha male?
  67. Is there anything that can whiten my brother's face?
  68. What exactly is "emotional imbalance"?
  69. What do you smell or how does it smell when you step out of your house?
  70. Why do my eyes burn when I have make-up on?
  71. Why aren't cigarettes categorized as a drug like marijuana, meth, etc?
  72. How to prevent ageing in the face due to sun damage?
  73. How can you cure a peircing infection without having to take the ring out?
  74. What are the symptoms of a kidney problem?
  75. Does sodium make people gain weight?
  76. How to get the abortion pill or abortion free?
  77. What is a good career that has to do with something artistic?
  78. What is a good concealer for really fair skin?
  79. What's the best company that rents limo party buses in L.A?
  80. How to help when your sister is having a baby?
  81. How do I bring my GPA up by 0.1 for next year?
  82. what would you do if your friend was really drunk and shit herself?
  83. Is it better to tell your parents you're pregnant with your boyfriend or alone?
  84. Where can I watch "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never" online for free without needing a credit card?
  85. Are there art classes near Hubbard, Ohio for people my age (15)?
  86. What is this dish called: pasta noodles mixed with cottage cheese and ranch?
  87. Is it healthy for hair to be wet for a long time after taking a shower?
  88. Is it normal to feel like my acrylic nails are going to fall off?
  89. What are some good ideas for a Sweet Sixteen?
  90. Is there an easy way to dye black/really dark brown hair?
  91. What should I do if I'm bored during summer and already have a job?
  92. Is there some sort of archive somewhere of 40's-60's horror comics?
  93. How can I get my acrylic nails to stay on without breaking off?
  94. What do you wear under a strapless dress?
  95. How do gymnasts do all those flips if there is gravity?
  96. Is Georgia considered in California or out of state?
  97. How do you find a point on a plane with three axis?
  98. Is the iMovie app any good?
  99. What state would you recommend moving to in the USA from England?
  100. Is this Bikini okay for the beach?