Answer #1

The bible teaches that God has planned everything from the beginning. He is not creating the events that happen as they happen, He orchestrated them already. Everything that happened and will happen and is happening, God has put into place.

Answer #2

When did he ever create anything? When did he even exsist? Who is this “God” you speak of?

Answer #3

This question sounds sarcastic! Ha ha! Funny… IDK what God made but whoever made Uncharted, Call of Duty, Battlefield and other numerous games are my gods… I am soooooo going to hell XD

Answer #4

ofcourse …it is a stupid question with all my respect

Answer #5

Yeah, questions about religion usually are.

Answer #6


Answer #7

In short, yes. My personal interpretation of Genesis?

God said, “Let there be light”. Then there was a really big bang.

Answer #8

I think he is. I think he creates the baby when it’s in it’s mums womb (etc.) :)

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