Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. Is it bad that I'm agnostic but I still go to church because my parents tell me to?
  2. Is Gods love good enough or do we need more?
  3. What is the weirdest religion out there?
  4. What exactly are the "ghosts" that are chased on shows like "Ghosthunters"?
  5. What does the mass deaths of the birds in the news lately have to do with the bible?
  6. What religion or beliefs have the Grim Reaper as the symbol of death?
  7. When meeting someone, do you ask for their astrological sign?
  8. Who knows what happened to all the plants when God flooded the earth?
  9. What are the seven sins?
  10. What is the logic behind the "devil's bible"?
  11. Why do Muslims have to cover themselves?
  12. Do you have to be baptized to be a Christian?
  13. How would I raise my vibrational enegry levels so I can see and communicate with ghosts?
  14. Why is it that the Johovah's witness people are the only ones that come knocking on your door to attend their church?
  15. what century was christ born into?
  16. what language did jesus speak?
  17. Who here has had a legit paranormal encounter with the ouija board?
  18. Is there a time when everyone in every part of the world is celebrating christmas?
  19. What does the Eve after Christmas Eve symbolize?
  20. Why do we celebrate Christmas on the 25th December?
  21. is there a difference between your soul and your spirit?
  22. Are angels real?
  23. What do you think about the catharos?
  24. Is there a goddess of safety or teleporting?
  25. What's a solstice?
  26. What are some good verses in the Bible that talk about how grateful we are for God and for all He's done in our lives?
  27. What exactly is, "The law of Attraction"?
  28. Does anyone know who said this quote and if I'm saying it right?
  29. whats muslims ethnicty?
  30. What would your focus be if you were going to lead a prayer meeting?
  31. Do you believe that life is just a dream, and that when we die...we will actually be waking up?
  32. Why are older/outdated religions referred to as mythology, but modern christianity, scientology, judiasm etc are widely accepted as bases for faith and hope?
  33. Why is Jesus Christ's first name pronounced the way it is, but not the way it's supposed to be prononced?
  34. Do you think Jesus was attractive?
  35. Why do people insist there is evidence that "God" exists, what exactly are they saying is evidence?
  36. why do people think that OSHO was bad??
  37. why do i doubt if i really believe that jesus died for me?
  38. can you explain some parts of evolution for me?
  39. What do you think of the Dalai Lama?
  40. What is Revelotions?
  41. Why do some Christians get so upset/offended by a children's nativity scene?
  42. What are some events that happened in the Christian Bible that turned out to be true?
  43. where in the bible is ghosts mentioned besides the holy ghost like ppl spirits?
  44. What does this bible passage mean?
  45. Can someone tell me why people hate church people??
  46. Is Nirvana from buddhism better than heaven from christainty?
  47. What is the difference between Leveigh and Crowley Satanism?
  48. Are hexes & curses real???
  49. What is our state in Heaven?
  50. how do you know wether an orb is good or bad?
  51. Who knows anything about voodoo?
  52. Who thinks that Adam and Eve ate an apple?
  53. What is the love compatibility between a Virgo and a Taurus?
  54. how do catholic people feel about people wearing rosary beads as jewelery??
  55. what is the difference between methodist and baptist?
  56. Why are Catholics against the use of contraceptives?
  57. is being a pessimist a bad thing if your a christian?
  58. Why do people get confirmed into the Catholic Church?
  59. Can god trust you with trouble, if trouble is nessacary?
  60. What is a bible verse that can be used with letting my friend go to New York with me?
  61. Is it possible to be an athiest and still celebrate christmas?
  62. What to do if someone accuses you of blasphemy?
  63. What would you do if Jesus was outside you're house singing "Never Gonna Give you up"?
  64. Does anyone have stories of Adam and Eve that they can share with me?
  65. What is a faith healer?
  66. Should the Olympics be adjusted for Ramadan?
  67. Can a wiccan give me a easy ingrediant that I can do with water?
  68. does anyone know any symbols that keep away bad spirits or demons, and can keep me safe?
  69. Where was god when katrina happened?
  70. Why do people have the cross with jesus all bloody?
  71. What's all about the patriarchs up to the crucifix of Jesus?
  72. Do I have a demon following me or is it just all in my head?
  73. What exactly is a nun?
  74. What is your favorite name for God (Yaweh, Jehovah, Father, etc.)?
  75. Where can I get a good in depth book on being a wiccan?
  76. Whats the leading religion in the world?
  77. Could someone give me some information on the muslum religion?
  78. What is a way to find a religion where u belong?
  79. Does wiccans believe in heaven?
  80. what was the war between the Titans and Greek Gods and Goddesses called?
  81. How do i get into the christmas spirit this year?
  82. How do start to believe in something that doesn't exist?
  83. Why didn't Jesus know He could turn water into wine?
  84. What could make the earth reel to and fro like a drunk, as described in Revelations?
  85. How do you think the "number of the beast" is supposed to be "calculated"?
  86. Why did Jesus Christ cry in the Garden of Gethsemane?
  87. What was the Greek Myth of how the Earth was created?
  88. Do Roman Catholics worship Jesus Christ or Mary the mother of Jesus?
  89. What is the website fo the 13 Stories haunted house in Philadelphia?
  90. Are you a very Religious person?
  91. is there such a thing as getting signs from god?
  92. Can a woman be a priest?
  93. Why is it God will forgive murder but not blasphemy?
  94. Are questions about Jehovah's Witnesses "verbotten" on this site?
  95. Would Jesus have walked around or floated when he was alive?
  96. CAn anyone tell me anything about Factory Of Terror in Canton,Ohio?
  97. what am i suppossed to do if im athiest and im at a friends house and they make us pray at dinner?
  98. How do people say Amen?
  99. Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult?
  100. Does anyone know some good books about astral projection (and lucid dreaming) and the theories behind it?
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