Who knows anything about voodoo?

I know it is a mix of African beliefs with a Catholicism influence. I am a little confused though. Are the powers supposed to be from like a negative spirit/devil type of creature?

Answer #1

I dont know the exact source that they believe they come from, however i do know that voodoo powers come from several different sources depending on the ritual or what is being done. Some come from negative/devil like spirits and creatures and some come for positives.

Answer #2

Does it kinda coexist with christianity (like can you be both?)

Answer #3

the outcome of voodoo is in the hands of the practitioner whether it is good or bad, the voodoo spirits can go either way, pretty nuch like witchcraft it is not black or white it simply is and the energy is used for good or evil according to the witch. the early slaves from africa shrouded it in catholic symbols so that they could still practice it without being killed for witchcraft. the evil spells seem to get the most press, there are love spells, spells for prosperity- etc. the christians would call the voodoo energy “evil” and “of the devil”

Answer #4

Yes, in fact alot of people who practice voodoo are also christians. I’m not familiar with voodoo practices outside of the US though, the only type i’m familiar with is what i’ve learned from New Orleans and speaking to people and reading on the history.

Answer #5

voodoo is dangerous, it is evil and thus is a strong force. It is the devils work and its influence. Nothing is postive about it. Get away like it is fire. You don’t need to know any more.

Answer #6

That’s religious propoganda bullsh!t.

Answer #7

I dont believe in evil or forces of any kind. I also believe in education (religion does seem to impeded a lot of that doesn’t it? It is sad).

Answer #8

I think it has nothing to do with religion, it has more to do with believing in it. It’s like magic, some believe in it & some dont. If you believe it will or that it can hurt you then it will just like if you believe in any negative energy. But regardless of religion, spirits, and the world beyond this one, I would leave it be.

At one point i will have to say it’s intriguing, I was into black magic when i was in JHS because a friend of mine was really into it & tried to suck me into it, but I felt this cold chill on the back of my neck every time my friend would want to try something! Call that being scared I call that feeling a presence. Just like Ouija boards & contacting spirits. Too many people have said way too much stuff to freak me the F*ck out.

If you are into it just because you are curious then it’s one thing but if you want to get into it to practice voodoo, I would get all the material I could on it on what can happen to you if things go south! Talk to me about tarot cards, numerology, astrology, some swear by tea leaves or flipping a coffee mug…when it comes to voodoo or hoodoo….is when I say ok, enough, ill pass! :P

good luck sweetie

Answer #9

lol, no, practicing magic to me is about as ridiculous as believing harry potter is real and trying to wave a wand about (I realize that is a personal belief, people are allowed their own beliefs). I work with Haitians and it is important for me to be educated in their belief systems.

Answer #10

I know sweetie, I hear ya, but hey look at Chris Angel’s followers what can I say? He is freakin hawt & his sh!t is very entertaining. :P

As for Haitians, yes I know, my mother had a woman from Haiti working for her & she once said to my mother: “Never hit your daughter, she is a special girl!” (I used to love to jump & run & it would p!ss my mom off screaming & hitting me all the time.) I dont think my mother ever got that though! She still did long after that was told to her!

I def know where you are coming from, to them it is very holy, very sacred & live by it.

Answer #11

i agree with mandyloo… regarding Jacks post…. that is a sterotypical response from someone ill-informed. ive been to a couple voodoo rites here in ontario and they were amazing. there is nothing evil about it. alot of voodooist are healers and mainly pratice healing of the mind.body, spirit… the rite i went to had a huge story behind it.. a couple that were slaves tried to get to canada via the unground railroad.. so they could marry and be together instead of being seperated and inslaved.. neither made it.. they both died. this group has a dedicated rite every year to this couple and all the crap they had to go through. in the rite we called upon their spirits and married them. joining them in everlasting marriage. it was one of the best rites i have been to yet.. alot of the population is uninformed in pagan religons and because of this devil BS they all think its evil. i believe in mother earth i respect nature and all beings. i also respect others reglions and dont make comments when i dont know anything about it espec when its offensive.

Answer #12

Well his followers dont think that he’s got special powers… At least I hope they dont think that. He’s just very good at what he does (which is illusions).

Answer #13

I know, but I do love watching him do them :P

Answer #14

In an effort to worship according to their ancient beliefs, the slaves gave Catholic saints dual identities, each one corresponding to an African god with particular characteristics and powers. Thus, African gods and goddesses, called orisha, took on the names and forms of Catholic saints. However, the rituals, customs, and beliefs remained the same as those practiced in Africa. A Santeria priest in Cuba explains: “Syncretism allows us to worship the Catholic god on the altar, but what we see is the African god behind it.”

Religions such as voodoo, Obeah, and macumba are also made up of elements from Roman Catholic liturgy, sacraments, and sacred paraphernalia blended with spiritistic practices from Africa. Because from the beginning the Catholic Church in Latin America prohibited African religions, Santeria had to be practiced in secrecy for a long time. Eventually the Catholic Church came to tolerate this syncretism among the slaves.

Santeria is closely connected with spiritism, a form of worship condemned in the Bible. (Leviticus 19:31) God’s Word lists the “practice of spiritism” among “the works of the flesh,” which bar a person from inheriting God’s Kingdom. (Galatians 5:19-21) The Scriptures also command those desiring God’s approval to “flee from idolatry” and to “worship the Father with spirit and truth.”—1 Corinthians 10:14; John 4:23, 24.

OXox Heidi

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