Why do people insist there is evidence that "God" exists, what exactly are they saying is evidence?

I don’t know of any evidence, and I don’t think there is any…proving that “God” exists.

What are some people saying is evidence?

I often hear people say there is evidence, but they never say what that evidence is.

Answer #1

That’s an excellant question and I’m waiting on the answer like u cuz I wanna hear this, well u know wat I mean lol

Answer #2

most people just say that they can feel it…

i hope oneday it is proven it exists so i can arrange a meeting and kick the poo out of it.

im calling it it because as its not proven it exists then theres no way of knowing what it is but i sure hope its got a big nose so i can punch it in it.

Answer #3

People often cite very vague evidence, such as the “orderliness” and “design” of nature, the intricacies of life on Earth, the existence of perceived, shared human values, moral and ethical behaviour, and occasionally, claims of encounters with the afterlife through Near Death Experiences. However, none of this is truly satisfactory evidence for the existence of any particular religion’s deity, nor is it really evidence for deities at all. The universe has plenty of examples of the lack of a designer or creator, the notion of an “orderly” universe is false, and moral behaviour need not only be explained with the existence of a god, since altruism and even spirituality could feasibly be explained by human evolution. The fact is, belief in any god or supernatural being requires faith, i.e. belief without proof.

Answer #4

The evidence is all around you my dear. Consider the sky… where does it start? Where does it end? How did it get there? Then there are a few things that proves stories in the bible are true. For example, there have been sea shells and other things usually only found in the ocean that were found on mountain tops which is evidence that Noah’s arc really happened. But the real proof is ( and I know you probably don’t want to hear it) the love that you can feel from God. Call out to Him and call Him Father, and you will have all the proof you need!

Answer #5

OK, How about this then:

Every scientific experiment ever conducted to test the theory has confirmed the validity of: the Law(s) of Conservation of Energy (and Matter), where matter is just a very stable form of energy, in accordance with Einstein’s equation:

. . . . . E = m c².

You can neither create nor destroy energy, but you can convert it from one form to another (including matter). That is some pretty solid evidence of validity.

The single thing that most people are most certain of, above all other things, is their own existence.
As Rene Descartes said, “Cogito Ero Sum” - “I think therefore I am”.

But what is the nature of your conscious awareness ?
Is it matter ? Or is it energy? Or is it some sort of combination of the two ? Or perhaps neither - maybe it is essentially totally different from everything else (that we can do measurable tests and experiments on).

The overwhelming evidence is that the whole universe is expanding, and has been doing so for the last 13.7 billion years or thereabouts. The Earth has existed for about 4.5 billion years, and life, of some form or other, has existed on it for around 3.5 billion years.

Those who do not believe in God usually claim that their own conscious awareness came into existence at some time after their conception, and will cease to exist some time after their death, and that there was no conscious awareness in the universe at the time of the “Big Bang”, nor was there for a significant period of time afterwards - maybe for 10 billion years, when life first appeared on Earth.

Or maybe much later than that - when the higher order organisms such as dinosaurs appeared, or even as recently as 5 million years ago when the first anthropoid apes (our evolutionary antecedents) appeared.

Conscious awareness, ….. the only thing that can appear out of nothing, ….. can in fact be the one thing of which you are most certain during your lifetime, and can then disappear into nothingness again after your death ! …..

….. Pull the other one !

Surely the overwhelming evidence from countless repeatable scientific experiments is that, …..

….. everything that exists - matter and energy (also intelligence and awareness - I suggest), always did exist, …..

….. and always will exist, …..

….. going right back to the beginning of the Universe and likewise until the end of time.

The evidence is that your intelligence and awareness (and mine, and everybody else’s) is composed of something that was already there. An intelligence and awareness that existed way back in time at the moment of the Big Bang.

I put it to you: that in that formless primordial soup, the “energy”, that formed all the matter in the universe, was consciously aware - at that first moment in time, and deliberately chose to form the universe out of its own structure.

Of course you will now tell me that the evidence is entirely different and that real living intelligence and awareness magically appeared out of stuff that had no intelligence or awareness aren’t you ?

Well if so, cite some plausible, and repeatable, experimental evidence showing that THAT can be the case. Experimental evidence - at least as plausible as the evidence for the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Oh, please don’t ask me whether I believe in God or not myself.
That is something of which I am reserving my opinion about.

– Best wishes - Majikthise.

Answer #6

All that seashells on mountaintops show is that one time the area was under water.

We now know that continents move and when tectonic plates crash into each other land rises into mountain ranges. Mountains with seashells and other signs of sea life were once ocean floor.

Ardent believers in every religion have the same feelings that you do about yours. The love you feel comes from your own longing and wishful thinking.

Answer #7

we say that because we see how God’s amazing grace saved people. look at answered prayers when docters thought that nothing medicaly possible could have healed them. God healed them. People are so wrapped up in the world that they forget to look around them and think what made this? all that scientific evidence about the big bang theroy is in my oppinion iffy. God could have made the earth with a big bang. the world is teaching that god is not real. we all have souls and those souls are inside of each ofus. have you thought about death? where are yougoing to go? Jesus can save you if you allow him to. so i have one question………. would you rather gain the whole world…. or gain your soul

Answer #8

I understand what you are saying…but this is exactly what I am talking about. None of that is proof that he exists… Someone surviving an illness, or accident is not proof of God.

Answer #9

You seem a bit dismissive of the process involved in forming life. It isn’t “magic” that forms lipids, proteins, starches, and DNA; it’s a well known process that’s been demonstrated in experiments for a long time. For example, simply by splashing amino acids onto volcanic rock, you can immediately form most compounds involved in living things (Sidney Fox showed this back in the 50’s). Another experiment (Stanley Miller) showed how hitting hydrogen cyanide with UV rays can produce other components of life. In other words, the building blocks of life came together through processes not required by “conscious” action, but natural chemical processes that were perfectly feasible. From here, there are several possible processes through which these compounds can link to form more complex polymers and long proteins.

As for consciousness, I’ll grant you that we don’t completely understand all the science behind the process of human thought. But it seems a stretch to me to trace the energy involved in our conscious thoughts back to the “primordial soup” and therefore, that consciousness must have existed then, too…deliberately fashioning the universe. The reason I think it’s a stretch is that conscious thought is completely dependent on the physical and natural processes of the brain. We know that thought is the result of neurons signaling to each other, and the deterioration of the brain influences our perception of ourselves and even our self-awareness. If self-awareness depends on the physical processes of the brain, would it not be a function of the brain itself, rather than some unexplained, metaphysical form transferred to us inexplicably by the primordial ooze? And if conscious thought depends on very specific neural processes, processes which do not occur in earlier forms of life (almost demonstrated in these worthless experiments) then how can you assume that consciousness has been transferred from one form of matter to another all the way back to the primordial soup? Look at Alzheimer’s. The loss of cognition is the result of brain plaque. Does that really suggest that “I think, therefore I am” is valid? If I get Alzheimer’s, and I don’t think anymore, what am I? Where does this mysterious conscious energy go? As for the “conscious” energy form passed on to us, why has this not been observed in other matter? Why does not other matter demonstrate self-awareness? Why is it only a specific process involving a certain kind of cell found only in the brain? The growth of the brain and the development of its cognitive abilities have been observed, and it’s no mystery how the brain can develop more complex thoughts as we become older and certain regions of the brain expand.

Conservation of energy really doesn’t mean anything here. If the universe is a self-contained system in which energy is neither created or destroyed, it didn’t need to have a beginning and it certainly didn’t need to have a creator.

Answer #10

A well argued case, that still leaves the question open in my opinion. It deserves a more reasoned response, and I may find time to post one.

However, I should point out that I have no firm opinions on this subject, and if anything I composed the post above in the manner of a “Devil’s Advocate”. Nevertheless, I do believe that there is as much evidence supporting the existence of a sentient and deliberate origin of the universe as there is against it.

– Majikthise.

Answer #11

Fair enough. There is a lot of outright rejection of gods and religion out there, so I think it’s necessary for such views to be challenged and discussed from time to time. I think there is a lot of evidence against the existence of any god, and no real evidence to support it. But I should point out that as an atheist, I don’t believe in any god, and a belief is basically a point of view. I am open to new evidence which refutes or challenges any of my beliefs.

Answer #12

I dont know a great deal about it, but I have heard people talk about archeological evidence that relates to biblical events. It doesnt prove that God exists, but having said that, the science doesnt prove God doesnt exist either. I think there is a case for either side, but ultimately it is a matter or faith.

Answer #13

but it is no couincidence either. how do you know what is happening? also the bible has prophocies that are comming true. the bible talks of wars and the end times on what it is gona be like. it is proof of what God can do for ppl who have faith in him

Answer #14

but it is no couincidence either. how do you know what is happening? also the bible has prophocies that are comming true. the bible talks of wars and the end times on what it is gona be like. it is proof of what God can do for ppl who have faith in him

Answer #15

I should point out the Bible isn’t the only text that predicts a lot of war in humanity’s future. It’s easy to take a vague prophecy and apply it to an event in hindsight.

Answer #16

you always have to think. the line of all that scientific evidence has to start somewhere so whee does it start? Go back to the beginnig of the time like you said. all what you said is scientific and seems like a very intelligent answer. but in reality, you are not thinking out of the box in whichn oyu should be in this case. one of my friends said that nothing somehow created something. it was some big theroy of like these time stuff. but think about this. what created nothing? what caused nothing to create something? nothing can not be without something being there. think of it like a glass of water. when the water is gone, there is no more water. all that is left is the glass. in that glass is so much atoms and molecules that are made to a t to make the glass. when you erase those, in a little while there is nothing. but in order to have nothing something had to be there too because someting is in the atmosphere around it. when the world was aperanlty made by the big bang, something was there too. that something was God. when nothing created something what was there with that nothing to make it create something? thatwas God too. God created the world for us to live in and the world like i said before is comming up with this stuff to disprove God. but in reality, they are comming up with more evidence to prove God.

Answer #17

i worded something wrong. God could have created the world with a big bang you know cause he is God. but with ppls theroy on the big bang that is what i meant to sy in that sentence

Answer #18

Then what created your god? If something always has to have a creator, then that rule applies to god/s as well. “God always existed” isn’t a good answer because the same can be said about the universe.

Answer #19

i should have you know that the bible has all the prophecies that God predicted come true. you seem like the kind of person that does not believe anything unless he can see it. well think of wind. can you see wind. no but you vcan feel it and oyu can see how it moves the leaves. it is hte same way with God. you may not be able to physically see him but you can feel his presence and you can SEE THE EFFECTS THAT HE HAS ON OTHER PEOPLE.

Answer #20

Please don’t yell… :/

Answer #21

That’s a really good point secularsara.

Answer #22

God was the only thing there at the time and he does not have a creator. God was there and will always be there. Do you believe that oyu have a soul? If yes, then where did your soul come from. God gave it to you and the world is so wrapped around scientific facts that they are trying to make man sound the most intelligent. the bible wais that in the beginnign there was God. that question even puzzles me. but i know that he was there and you can see the effects of him being there.

Answer #23

God was the only thing there at the time and he does not have a creator. God was there and will always be there. Do you believe that oyu have a soul? If yes, then where did your soul come from. God gave it to you and the world is so wrapped around scientific facts that they are trying to make man sound the most intelligent. the bible wais that in the beginnign there was God. that question even puzzles me. but i know that he was there and you can see the effects of him being there.

Answer #24

BTW the universe had to have been created or think about this…. would we be here if it hadent?

Answer #25

faith is beliving in something yu cant see you statement is not mescicerily true.

Answer #26

Okay, so…God was always here, nothing created him…he just appeared out of nowhere. Yet, the earth was created and couldn’t have just appeared out of nowhere….? How could something come from nothing?

Answer #27

i was not yelling. i was just making that statement stand out. i am srry if it seemed that way. id didnt know that counted as yelling.

Answer #28

nothing can not create something. only something can.

Answer #29

look at it this way. is it just a counicendence that the earth was placed exactly so that we can have all the stuff we have today? God was that something when the Earth was created.

Answer #30

Usually, something typed in all caps lock indicates a raised voice.

Answer #31

they were on the ocean floor because of the story of Noah’s ark

Answer #32

read what i wrote above in all the answers with flower power as the writer

Answer #33

Okay, “nothing can not create something”…exactly, so what created God? Your answer was nothing, he was always here. Therefore, don’t you think you are contradicting yourself?

Answer #34

God was that something that created the earth

Answer #35

i didnt know but why dont u believe in God. id u dont mind, tell me why you think htat god does not exist

Answer #36

The wind analogy doesn’t work, since I can measure the molecular structure of wind, and I can also predict what causes it: the pressure gradient. A deity is not quantifiable in any way, and that includes observing other people, since I could just as easily find many other motives for their behaviour.

Answer #37

No God ws just there. Never created just there so i am not saying that nothing created something

Answer #38

I don’t believe in God because there is no proof that he exists (I need proof to believe in something)…and to be honest, even if he did exist I wouldn’t follow him. I think he is cruel, and a hypocrite.

Answer #39

Do you have any evidence that supports God’s self existence? I think religionisogood’s answer supports the idea that the earth, in all of it’s grandeur, just came to be because of chance. But the question is, how do you know your God was just there, or was this something you are led to believe? One can argue that this presumed intelligent design was simply plotted out by years and years of trial and error cough Evolution by Natural Selection cough. Where does your argument stand on the basis of how humans came to be?

Answer #40

A lot of them are carried up there by birds too, you know…..

Answer #41

Think about it. you still cant see wind. yu just proved what i just said. you know what causes it to happen just like people know how God is real and how you can feel him around yu when you are his child. so basicly, and for the behavior thing. think about a serial killer. they are kind of mean ppl lets say that one got to know God and he Changed. pepole can speak in tounges and that is from the bible. all those other religions that have little ritual sayings are recited because they knnow they are gona say it. but what about the people who speak in tounges. some of them are fake but the oes that are real you know. there was ths one little mentally handicapped and physically handicapped boy and i church he began to speak in tounges. how could have he have faked it when he had no idea what it meant ot do that. also for the right minded. they dont know they are going to do it until they do so that is a gift from god the bible says so.

Answer #42

why do you think he is cruel

Answer #43

you said a lot. where did the rest come from

Answer #44

God did not create evil, peple created evil and evil is when someone does not have Jesus in their heart

Answer #45

I think filletofspam already explained that - I don’t feel the need to be redundant just to get the point across.

Answer #46

one more question, do you feel as though yu are not loved?

Answer #47

one more question, do you feel as though yu are not loved?

Answer #48

So…a “nothing” can’t create “something”, nor can anything exist without being created…yet…”nothing” created God, he just exists without being created….that’s not hypocritical thinking at all…

Answer #49

yes but the bible talls of a specific time when the mountains were under water…. the bible and the story of noahs ark. so tha tproves a story in my oppinion too

Answer #50

Guess what else tells us about a time when certain areas were under water - history books…and they also give a scientific reason why.

Answer #51

i am not saying that nothing created god . nothijg created God like i said before he was just there. neither created so i am not being hypocritical i am sayng that he has always been there and he was never created he is the creator

Answer #52

I don’t have to see wind. I feel it, I see the leaves blow, wind exists. However, I cannot feel God nor see God. Also, it really doesn’t matter why I don’t believe he exists. Even if he did exists, and there was proof, and I saw him face to face…I would not follow him. I don’t like the guy, he is cruel, and a hypocrite. I know what’s right and what’s wrong…I don’t need him to tell me what I should, or shouldn’t do. He can do what he tells us not to, and it’s fine. Yet, if we do it, it’s a sin…and we go to hell to burn for eternity. Why would someone who loves us unconditionally (no matter what we do), send us to hell and let us burn for eternity? Also, what was the point in him making us…just so he could send us to hell? He is “all-knowing” correct? Well then apparently he knew the people were going to do something, and get sent to hell. If he knew the person was going to do bad things, and he was going to send them to hell to burn forever…why did he create that person?

Answer #53

You’re not saying that nothing created God, but nothing created God…? Care to try that one again?

Answer #54

How was he cruel? If you read the entire Bible (not just the good parts), you would see how cruel he is. All the r@pe, @buse, K!lling, etc…that he done, supported, or ordered.

Answer #55

Lol…so hypocritical it’s funny.

Answer #56

i believe that god made man. though aperantly monkeys are a close relative they are still lacking a lot of qualities that us humans have. they can not believe. they can know what they want and what they need but they can not believe. how do scientists even know that monkeys are like human relatives? monkeys lack the true meaning of llove. they may like to be around the people or monkeys but they lack the love for God. god created man in his image and the way he wanted us to be created. if monkeys and us are as close of realitives as they think. wouldnt they love god too? neanderthals or people with monkey like qualities can be disproven in my oppinion too. have you ever though that a certain race had a certain bone structure just as we all do today? all different shapes and sizzes and most races have the closest bone structure. i believe that it could be a certain race or it could be damaged. God made butterflys to evolve into butterflies. if god made monkey sinvolve into humasn wouodnt we have more monkeys becoming humans today? gods cycle of animals evolving into new creatures is apattern and keeps doinf the same way. monkeys and humans……. not in the lease.

Answer #57

I agree

Answer #58

When did we start talking about monkeys? Are you not going to explain why you are being hypocritical? You’re not saying that nothing created God, but nothing created God? That doesn’t make too much sense.

Answer #59

the bible says that he was there never to be created just there. he was not created he was just there. I am saying that before anything was created there was just god and nothing else. then god created the earth and when he created the earth he became that somthing that created nothing

Answer #60

that person asked for my view point on evolution and the omming of man

Answer #61

The Bible also said God k!lled 70,000 innocent people, and allowed slavery (including selling your own daughter as a sex slave) and allowed child abuse…. Plus much more. That is why I refuse to follow him, and that is how he is cruel and hypocritical.

Answer #62

ok here it goes. God is the creator and he was never crea ted just there. he was never nothig. he has always been something that was never created( that is an exception to what i said before) he is a supernatural being and he made the earth. if yu try to wrap your mind around how God was created, ull get confused of what i said. but if you just think tha tgod was jsut hter and was never nothing. Gods mind is so vast no human can wrap yur mind around it and i am nnot being hypocritical. iam just stating on what i believe to be true. i am trying to be nice why cant you

Answer #63

Wow, you don’t understand evolution… The bible (a book written by primitive people who did not understand the world) is not a good book to use for verifying facts about the world. Science is. It makes more sense to say that the universe was always there. God is way too complex and creates more questions than answers. Believing in god (today) is basically confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance in action.. And a lot more of it than I thought. O.O

Answer #64

if nothing bad happene dinn the world, no one would believe tat there is someone to turn to for help

Answer #65

what created all the cool stuff of science

Answer #66

what created all the cool stuff of science

Answer #67

i am not being hypocritical. you are not understanding wha ti am saying and you are twisting my words around to use agisnt me

Answer #68

ok here it goes. God is the creator and he was never crea ted just there. he was never nothig. he has always been something that was never created( that is an exception to what i said before) he is a supernatural being and he made the earth. if yu try to wrap your mind around how God was created, ull get confused of what i said. but if you just think tha tgod was jsut hter and was never nothing. Gods mind is so vast no human can wrap yur mind around it and i am nnot being hypocritical. iam just stating on what i believe to be true. i am trying to be nice why cant you

Answer #69

God is a hypocrite…he k!lled people, and ordered people to be k!lled….yet he says “thall shall not k!ll”…?

Answer #70

Not that I think it will sway you from creationism, but I should point out the fossil record does prove humans and other primates shared common hominid ancestors. I wish it were possible for you to examine the hominid vault at the Kenya National Museum. It might also shock you how much genetic code we share with lemurs and pygmy marmosets. Also consider that humans are not the only life forms that show altruistic qualities. Monkeys and other primates most certainly have shown these tendencies, as have elephants and other mammals. In fact, elephant altruism is so well documented that some researchers consider them the most benevolent animals on the planet.

Answer #71

if all that Christians were after were a comforting belief system, then they could do far better than Christianity, and there must therefore be some factor other than wishful thinking that makes them believe.

Answer #72

if all that Christians were after were a comforting belief system, then they could do far better than Christianity, and there must therefore be some factor other than wishful thinking that makes them believe.

Answer #73

How is she not being nice?

Answer #74

I may be a professing Christian, but I really think you’re not making sense even among Christians. If you EVER studied the Bible yourself, you would know it neither confirms nor denies the nature of God and His form of existence. I think the closest thing you could say about that is that he said when talking to Moses “I am what I am”. Just as maji was talking about that being the only sure thing humans have to say about themselves.

As for the good and evil part, for every light, there is a shadow; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, etc. Wherever “good” exists, there will inevitibly be “evil”. Though some like to say there is neither, I think that humans universally have a basic understanding of what is good and evil, just so many are able to override that snese due to their selfish nature.

Answer #75

If nothing but good things happened in the world, people wouldnt realize that there was someont to turn to whenthey needed help. as for the hell question: everyone is created for a reason. God uses different people to have an impact on people to change their lifein some way or another. and in return, that peron impacts someone else andit makes a chian of events and along the way good impacts come from somewhere which all started with that first person

Answer #76

im not reading nothing

Answer #77

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #78

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #79

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #80

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #81

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #82

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #83

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #84

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #85

people choose their coutcome on life to gain or lose their soul God knows but the bible says he promise all people one calling and he can call you more if he wants. it is the peoples choice not Gods. god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.

Answer #86

that is what i was trying to say but i was trying to say but i worded it kind of complez and yes i study the bible and i just dont feel comfortable of ppl gaingin up on me

Answer #87

“god gace us free wil and choice because wouldnt it be weird to have a bunch of robots loving someone? God does love oyu. he sent his son Jesus to die for you.” Okay, so God gave us free will.. He still knew what we were going to do with our free will, correct? So, he knew when he created a person…that they were going to do something to get sent to hell, then he sends them to hell. What was his point in creating that person, if he knew all he was going to do is send to hell for them to burn for eternity? Also, if someone loves you, I’m sorry…but they don’t send you to hell for you to burn for eternity.

Answer #88

no i posted in the wrong colum

Answer #89

God knows everything but he does give you free will and you make the choice not God God just knows what the outcomei sgoing to bin th e enc

Answer #90

Danielle i am so sorry i just accidently posted it in the wrong collum an i am so sorry i was not talking aobut you i am os sorry

Answer #91

Exactly, he knows he is going to send you to hell. So again, what was his point in creating you if he was just going to send you to hell? How come you are not answering any of my questions?

Answer #92

People just want to believe something out of this world is real. And believe they go somewhere when they die. Religion has come a long way and continues to get more followers as the world grows. One day they will be proved wrong and i’m going to sit back and laugh. You don’t go to heaven or hell when you die, you rot, just like everyone else. When people ask me if I believe in God I laugh and say “no honey, I believe in science.”

Answer #93

are you allstill ther

Answer #94

Are you going to answer my questions?

Answer #95

where did science come from though red what i wrote

Answer #96

i am your ears are just closed. he sent those people to earth to make a difference in someones life good or bad then that peron goes along and somehow uses that thing inther life and along the chain of that thing there is always good outcomes for that persons existence

Answer #97

Do you really think that non-believers don’t think about these things you’re telling us to wrap our minds around? Most atheists that I know can tell me more about the bible than any Christian I know. And don’t forget all the other thousands of religions out there. What if you are following the wrong gods’ rules? The chances of any religion/god being true are highly unlikely (my opinion). Let’s say there is a god, the chances of you believing in and worshiping the one true god out of all the thousands of god stories out there are very, very slim (basic statistics).

Answer #98

that is why he sends them to make an impact to change someone else and along that chain of doings someone always gets changed in a good way even if you dont realize it

Answer #99

ok look guys there is a suck thing called a “Holy Bible” and if you read it it will tell you all kinds of thigs how God got here and how the earth got here. think of it this way. if there wasnt a God then how would u be here on earth and be walking and talking.? it confuses me sometimes but then i started reading the Bible and i wasnt as confused anymore there was no beginning of God and there is no ending of God. Get it now?

Answer #100

why? i am just tryin to get my point across you should read it

Answer #101

i meant such not suck.

Answer #102

thank you friend

Answer #103

your welcome. now does everybody understand what im saying??

Answer #104

“ok look guys there is a suck thing called a “Holy Bible” and if you read it it will tell you all kinds of thigs how God got here and how the earth got here.” The Bible also tells us how cruel, and hypocritical “God” is. That is, if you actually read that part and not dismiss it because it doesn’t say what you want it to.

Answer #105

Okay…so he creates them to make a difference…then he sends them to hell? That isn’t very loving at all.

Answer #106

He doesn’t want to, nor does he have to.

Answer #107

that is saying what God can do to you if u dont believe in Him. and God will make u go through things of being a christian. but that is part of it and i didnt mean to put suck i meant such.

Answer #108

No, that is not what I am talking about. Have you read the entire Bible? I am talking about how he k!lled people, ordered people to k!ll, allowed r@pe, kidnapping, and slavery, had children k!lled, etc… It told about it in the Bible.

Answer #109

What? Please use correct spelling and grammar or I can’t understand what you’re trying to say.

Answer #110

He wants to know where science came from, and he wants you to read what all he wrote on the other answers.

Answer #111

no i havent read it all the way through but show me the verses and chapters where all this happend

Answer #112

Thanks Angel.

Answer #113

I did read everything you said. But it doesn’t change my opinion. Science comes in because I believe science explains what created the universe. Not some invisible man.

Answer #114

Okay, I will…Hmm, God allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 and Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9). Those are just a few examples.

Also, check out “1 Chronicles 21” (God kills 70,000 innocent people), “Deuteronomy 3” (God orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city.), and “Joshua 6” (He orders an attack and the killing of all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses.

Answer #115

this the type of question lil miss ang that i will ask for my answer to be deleted..

nonsense answers that mean nothing to me and just take up my alerts.

Answer #116

PHYSICS professor Ulrich J. Becker, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, stated when commenting on the existence of God: “How can I exist without a creator? I am not aware of any compelling answer ever given.”

Consider two more examples on this point. When mathematics professor John E. Fornaess, of Princeton University, was asked for his thoughts on the existence of God, he replied: “I believe that there is a God and that God brings structure to the universe on all levels from elementary particles to living beings to superclusters of galaxies.”

Physics professor Henry Margenau, of Yale University, said that he was convinced that the laws of nature were created by God, adding: “God created the universe out of nothing in an act which also brought time into existence.” He then noted that in the book The Mystery of Life’s Origin, three scientists explain that a Creator is a plausible explanation for life’s origin. Supporting this view, astronomer Fred Hoyle has stated that believing the first cell originated by chance is like believing that a tornado ripping through a junkyard full of Boeing 747 airplane parts dismembered and in disarray could produce a 747.

To these answers can be added the words of the Bible writer Paul: “[God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.”—Romans 1:20.

Contrary to the opinion of some, many respected men of science do not rule out the idea of there being a God—a Great Mastermind behind the creation of the universe and man.

Answer #117

God makes bad things happen so that people would realize that there is someone in the world that they can turn to for help. If nothing bad happened, yes there would be less violence and stuff but everyone would forgt about the importance of God and how he can help u with all of ur problems if yu allow him

Answer #118

Jesus was not invisible. there is documented history of him being alive and eyewhitness acounts of what he has done such as dying on the cross. so youmay not be able to see god the father, but if you lived back in time when Jesus was alive, you would have been able to see god the son

Answer #119

God loved the world so much that he sent his only son to die for all of us. yes i said the whole world. that was the most ultiment act of love. the whole subject confused me as well of the hell thing, God knows all but he still loved that person

Answer #120

I’m not talking about Jesus. I’m talking about God. You can’t see him yet he’ll love you, protect you then send you to some ‘hell’ where you will burn forever if you ‘sin’. You can waste your time believing this bullsh!t but I won’t.

Answer #121

The bible and faith is our proof that god is real. We cannot see air but we know it’s there

Answer #122

he doesnt send his children or the ones who accepted him to hell. and everyone sins not jsut unsaved people. that is why we are not perfect. oh and my the way jesus is God it is called the trinity god the father god the son god the holy spirit. so yes jesus is god and he was seen by many. when you become a christian you feel god and that is the holy spirit which is what god gives you. and in my oppinion it is not bs and i am deffinently not wasting my time. evefryone sins even me. God sent his son Jesus to die for us so that we can be saved from eternal death. we just have to except him and we are saved, he gives you free will. he doesnt send ppl to hell, the ppl choose to go there. gain the world, or gain you r soul its your choice not his

Answer #123

God does bad things, even after the tells not to. “Thall shall not k!ll”, why doesn’t he follow his own rules? See how hypocritical? He tells us we cannot k!ll, yet he did in the Bible. I’m pretty much done talking with you, because I just showed you the verses in which he did horrible, cruel, and hypocritical things…and you say that was so people would turn to him for help? That makes no sense what so ever. You never answer any of my questions (I have my ears open by the way), so there is no point in going around in circles.

Answer #124

The bible is not proof, it’s a book written by normal people. Faith isn’t proof either. The definition of faith (belief in something without proof) tells us that. We know that air is there because EVERYBODY feels it, not just a select few people, and because science has tested it. Air, unlike your religion, can be felt everywhere and by everyone.

Answer #125

It’s not a religion, It’s a relationship. I believe in the bible and God, God gave the word to his disciples and had them write the bible.

Titus 1:13 (New International Version, ©2010)

13 This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith John 3:16 (New Living Translation)

16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

This is a good message by Dr. Creflo dollar, you should watch it [link removed]

Answer #126

According to the Bible, God killed every human except Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives in the flood. Were any of these people killed unjustly? The Bible says specifically that all people (except Noah and his family) had become corrupted.12 Not only had all people become corrupted, but they were continually plotting evil!13 Is it possible that an entire culture can become corrupted? You bet! Recent history proves the point rather well. When the Nazis took over Germany before WWII, opposition was crushed and removed. When they began their purging of the undesirables (e.g., the Jews), virtually the entire society went along with the plan. Further examples are given on another page. So, the Bible indicates that no innocent people were killed in the flood.

God orders killingWhat about when God ordered Joshua and his people to kill every man, woman and child in Canaan?14 What crime could be so great that entire populations of cities were designated for destruction? God told Moses that the nations that the Hebrew were replacing were wicked.15 How “wicked” were these people? The text tells us that they were burning their own sons and daughters in sacrifices to their gods.16 So we see that these people were not really innocent. For these reasons (and others17), God ordered the destruction of the peoples whom the Israelites dispossessed.

Answer #127

I apologize if this is a late response I got a private request to answer it and I couldn’t find it until I was told who asked it. I don’t like the Bible all that much, it’s confusing and weird and disturbing but there’s good stuff in there if you don’t count all the parts where ur wondering is this person high? The bible tells of many “prophecies” so scholars study those a lot because every “prophecy” has apparently come true except for the ones made in revelations which omg those are disturbing. And btw people, there is no scientific proof hm big surprise. The only scientific proof I have ever found in my life is when spiritual tongues are mentioned in the bible and where scientists did experiments on it proving that apparently its real ??? Which idk about that one. Me myself I go by what has been showed to me. Many people don’t know but I was an atheist a young one and I was stubborn. The type of person who went “two plus two equals four huh? Proove it b!tch” but then God became known to me, He has spoken to me and answered my prayers and at first I was like I’m going crazy but the He showed me my future and now I’m grateful, no questions asked. It’s an amazing feeling when you Convert one that I have yet to explain, something I have yet to truly question and whether or not you believe is fine its okay I wouldn’t believe me either. I describe it as being told you have cancer and thinking ur gonna die and then someone tellin you are not gonna die, it’s truly wonderful. When I was younger i used to be stressed all the time never calm it was crazy. When I was Saved my blood pressure went down a lot and now my doctors say I’m too calm, something I had prayed for. Calmness. That’s proof right there to me. It’s a feeling like no other when He speaks to you and guides you, again that’s my proof. It’s like you see and taste and hear and feel things differently when He’s around, you get used to it after a while. When you know, you know. Now moving on to this scientific evidence. Who is saying that?? It’s not true. I’ve done my fair share of research and so far there is none but eyewitness stuff. Its not like mad scientist are conducting experiments on the matter and honestly it’s not like it would matter to a lot of people they would still hate God. Next time be more specific as I am not sure which type of evidence you are looking for in terms of science and this generation has many terms which could be placed under evidence. Any further questions please contact me I would be glad to help, but for now don’t go off by what me and other people say go by what you think. Don’t let others show you the way, only you can decide whether or not you believe

Answer #128

Also, if you guys wanna know what the after life is like contact me I’ve spoken to some of my deceased relatives over this its quite interesting

Answer #129

Flower power, pardon me but I was wondering if perhaps you grew up in a Private school. Just gonna throw this out there

Answer #130

no i didnot grow up in a private school. i grew up in a public school, but i had atheist kids in my class who grew up in one and they told me about that theroy of the nothing something thing and i was just giving that as an example.

Answer #131

why do yu ask?

Answer #132

i looked up that answer on the internet and it kind of explained everything that they were saying caused i i was getting like mindboggled because i did not know what to say

Answer #133

I was just wondering

Answer #134

ok is that a bad thing then cause now i am worried sick

Answer #135

im not saying that there is a single divine entity “God” that has created everything but it is hard to believe that over the billions of years that the complex human gene had randomly evolved from a small group of particals to you and me. The theory of evolution states that we evolved from simple single celled organisms (thats not exactly what it says but a very summed up version). however, if you follow the time line given by evolution scientists, there has been a missing link from ape to man. this time period is only a couple hunderd thousand years which is not enough time to go from the primitive brain of an ape to the complex mind of a human.

Answer #136

the answer is in the word: 1 Corinthians 15 1-8 :0)

Answer #137

well im not going to get as involved as some other people did and write a very long answer, but there is no evidence, Im not saying that i dont think he is real. But there is no evidence, and the bible is not evidence, neither is beleiving in him. No matter what your religon is there is no proof that your religon is correct, and I dont really think that u can argue with that. I beleive in god but i do not have a religon, because I think that as long you are kind and humble whatever comes next will be good. And not 2 offend anyone but I heard that some people think that heaven has mansions and streets made of gold….. why the heck would god care about gold, and big houses that just souds rediculous to me!!

Answer #138

There is no solid proof God exists… people believe in him because of faith, which means they FEEL him. I know for sure God exists because I feel him and he hears my prayers. But here is some evidence that backs up the existence of God:

How can the big bang be real? The big bang is made up of SO many guesses! When scientists talk about the big bang, they use “probably” and “maybe” so many times! It is impossible to make so many guesses and get them all right. And once you mess up on one guess- BOOM! everything else gets messed up. How can life start by itself? Scientists say, there was the jawless fish… then the fish developed a jaw… then that devolved into that… and so on. But life HAD to start from SOMETHING. But how? Life can not just “appear”. Everything is created by someone. So was the Earth. God is the great Creator! They say we come from monkeys… wouldn’t monkeys be extinct if we came from them? The monkeys evolved into us… so that means there would be no more monkeys! But there is! If there is no God… then how come they found Noah’s ark? How come so many miracles happen when people who believe in him pray to him? People get sick… doctors try to heal them… nothing works. Christians get together and pray- the person is healed! God works miracles! He really does exist!

Answer #139

Scientists these days make up anything to get people to believe anything other than something to do with God. Seriously… somethings they say… you can tell it’s all made up. Like the big bang? The WHOLE world, including trees, humans, animals, land, water, bugs; EVERYTHING…. was created by some “bang” in space? All the planets are lifeless and unkept- but somehow Earth is so perfect. Perfect atmosphere, perfect distance from the sun, nice and organized, survivable weather, why is Earth so perfect? Because it is kept by someone- God! He takes care of it- he created humans to live on Earth but sadly, many fail to believe in him.

Answer #140

Ok… I don’t know if you guys are still talking about what created God (I don’t feel like reading all the comments lol) but look at it like this. Yes, everything needs a creator. But, if you think about… if everything ever created, was created by someone… then there would be no end. There HAS to be a beginning, right? Simple: God is the beginning. God is the one that started creating things… and since then everything had to be created by someone. But not God, he is the starter of creating.

Hope that makes sense. (:

Answer #141

First, let us review the key elements in the account of the creation of the first man. Regarding Adam, the Bible says: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7) Is this statement scientifically credible?

The book Nanomedicine states that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements—carbon, iron, oxygen, and others—are all present in the “dust” of the earth. Thus, as Genesis states, humans truly are formed “out of dust from the ground.”

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