Can a woman be a priest?

I was watching this show…’What Not To Wear’ and this woman is a 26 yr old priest and she is also looking for a guy to date..i didn’t know a girl could be a priest and i didn’t know priests were aloud to this is very interesting to me..

Answer #1

Women can not become priests in the Roman Catholic Church. The Anglican church does ordain women as priests and to marry. I think she could also be a Wicca priest.

Answer #2

A woman can definitely be a Wicca Priest (A Priestess actuall). Males and females are equal in Wicca, as it takes both the have perfect balance and harmony.

Basically all of the Pagan religions (druids, Asatru (Norse), Hellenic, Ancient Egyptian etc.) have both Priestesses and Priests. It was not until Christianity came in that women were put in a lesser position.

Answer #3

i know well this girl i seen on tv was a regular priest..with the white priest collar… i found it odd

Answer #4

Are you sure they called her a priest? Because like the TV show the vicar of dibley (she was a vicar) and she wears the traditional priest outfit but she’s not exactly a priest…

Answer #5

Agreed with you there….. On a different note, I think male Priests should be permitted to marry as this would eliminate a lot of sexual frustrations and sexual temptations and hopefully prevent disgusting and unfavourable sexual urges made against boys and others. At the end of the days, these are grown men and as much as they are married to the Church and God, they are still earthlings.

Answer #6

A woman can become a better priest than a man for the fact of the matter. Soul has no gender, it is neither male nor female. It is only in the body that gender exists, and the man who desires to reach the spirit cannot at the same time hold gender distinctions.

In what scriptures do you find statements that women are not competent for knowledge and devotion? Where women are respected, there the gods delight; and where they are not, there all works and efforts come to naught. The idea of perfect womanhood is perfect independence.

Answer #7

Most churches don’t except a woman priest because they think that women interpret the bible or whatever they study or worship wrongly and teach people wrong. In some places that is true.. I have had an experience where a women priest was just the worst teaching of the bible and now i go to a different church and every so often we have a women explain a scripture from the bible and it be the same as when a male would so I think it depends on the religion.

Answer #8


Answer #9

Hmm..that’s very interesting =)

Answer #10

If a woman is called by God, that is between her and God. She will do what is in her heart and look at it this way; if that is the worst thing that a woman does, how bad could she be?

Answer #11

In the Bible, at the firs letter of Paul to Thimoty, chapter 4, verses 1 through 3 we read something conected to it and to Satan as well

Answer #12

May be she learnt from Jessabell???

Answer #13

Not only from christianity point of view, also in the old testament is the same. Even when God turn to Adam and Eve (wich we could say had the oldest religion), HE spoke first to Adam as the head of the family, and more responsable than Eve (compare with Romans 5:12).

Answer #14


Answer #15

in my church i have a lady and a man priest ? im sure they cn ?

Answer #16

Yup, and I guess since Hitler committed all that genocide, men shouldn’t be in position of power, right?

The sexism there is inconsistent, and therefore, a fallacy.

Just because you had a bad experience with a priestess, doesn’t mean you should call out her gender. Everyone’s version of the bible is “different” that’s inevitable due to the diversity of human nature.

I’m sure many a little boy has had his fair share of “bad experiences” with priests… that doesn’t mean we should point fingers at men and accuse them of their gender….

… or should we?

Answer #17

Actually, that is incorrect. Judaism is not the oldest religion. In fact, Yahweh is a pagan god take from the Babylonians. He was known for combustion (yes, like burning bushes, etc) and scholars even argue that’s where he got the first part of his name “Yah!” etc.

Anyway, the Jews feared the power of women and therefore reduced their status through brainwashing. You should look into the Egyptians and Celtic beliefs.. they predate Judeo-Christianity. The world is not 6,000 years old. And anyone who believes this cannot be taken seriously by any intellectual. :)

Answer #18

P.S in the original HEBREW bible, Elohim created the world (Elohim is plural meaning deities) and “Adam” isn’t a name .. but a word meaning “human.” And Eve means “life.” They were both created at the same time. Hence why Elohim says “let us make humankind in OUR image.” Some will try to say “god” was referring to Jesus – but that doesn’t hold water on many levels – especially the old testament.

Answer #19

So, if a woman is a priest, she gets called names Alejandro, really? Hmm… interesting game to play. I wonder how men would feel if that game was reversed.

Answer #20

By term of Priest for me it would be Catholic and No they can’t because a priest is a Representative of Jesus and he choose 12 men for a reason

Answer #21

By term of Priest for me it would be Catholic and No they can’t because a priest is a Representative of Jesus and he choose 12 men for a reason

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