Religion, Spirituality & Folklore Questions

  1. are there any satanists on here?
  2. How do I handle religion differences in my family?
  3. Which Seven Deadly Sin have you commited?
  4. Alive For What Perpose?!
  5. what do you think about the bible?
  6. Do you believe
  7. What kind of religion can't celebrate holidays?
  8. What is realy the point in life ?
  9. A haunting
  10. Dreams or Visions
  11. Ghost stories
  12. Do you believe in psychics?
  13. Has anyone ever had an near death experience?
  14. Can alcohol really increase a psychic's ability?
  15. people who are haunted, pyschics, or both?
  16. Why Should I Feel in Debt to Jesus?
  17. ghosts
  18. Wicca
  19. Opinion on wicca
  20. The Synagogue church of all nations
  21. Open one's 3rd eye???
  22. Why do some or most christians hate wiccans?
  23. Im thinking about starting my own religion
  24. Catholic and christian
  25. When o you think god is comen back?
  26. Tarot cleansing
  27. anyone else think jesus was just some guy that got bored
  28. is it bad to like pokemon?
  29. Is there really such thing as gosts
  30. what is the meaning of life? :)
  31. is it possible to have a stable peace avery day?
  32. Jesus White !! I dont think so .
  33. what is the promised land and what is
  34. My spirit guide
  35. what is the promise land and
  36. Church home
  37. Another Jewish translation
  38. A Chance to Convince me to Convert(Christians)
  39. what is reiki?
  40. If the bible is infallible, why are there so many Christian sects?
  41. What was God thinking?
  42. Are you still truely an american if you don't beleive in god?
  43. Ghost hunting - orbs
  44. Bloody mary
  45. what is a jehoveh witness
  46. is any one phychic
  47. what's the word when you are::
  48. whats a Jew?
  49. Oldest religion?
  50. Christian rock
  51. Where did kaballah take it's teachings from?
  52. I like girl,but she doesn't believe in Jesus Christ
  53. Who to tell? How much to tell?
  54. Has Anyone had any real ghost experiences??
  55. Why cant faiths get along?
  56. Christian Rap & Hip Hop
  57. Islam and Christianity?
  58. This is a question for Muslim women...
  59. does anyone else belive in vampires?
  60. weird dream.. help anyone?
  61. How do I find out if my house is haunted?
  62. Bible vs Alien life?
  63. Witchcraft and satanism
  64. Is it wrong to be athiest?
  65. lost in god
  66. JESUS Help please!!!
  67. Jewish definition
  68. athiest
  69. did a ghost in my apartment do this?
  70. whats the meaning to life
  71. How do I?
  72. God?? Chritians??
  73. bad to find Buddhism interesting?
  74. God or Devil ?
  75. I have always been able to "see and know" things
  76. Strange yet scientic involved question
  77. Could It Be Possible That I Can See The Future?
  78. Has anyone had bad experience with witchcraft?
  79. Do I have some kind of power??? lol
  80. Has anyone seen a ghost?
  81. Ouiji Boards?
  82. Bible quotes
  83. Dreaming of god(KRISHNA)
  84. How many of you DONT believe in god?
  85. Budhism
  86. habits.of men
  87. Is it a sin for whites to marry blacks?
  88. How can I be more religious?
  89. Bapized Again?
  90. does god wear sunglasses?
  91. Is there God?
  92. Will you be bless if you dont attend church?
  93. I can't pray
  94. R Tattoo's A Sin???
  95. worshiping the Devil
  96. Revelation, do you enjoy the story?
  97. garden of eden
  98. Is it sinful for a Muslim to be an actor?
  99. What or who is God's remnant?
  100. Can muslim like a buddhist?