is any one phychic

I would like to get some advice is any phychic here?

Answer #1

Yes, I am but I don’t think I’m that good at it. I only can talk to my spirit guides but I can’t hear them that well D:<

Answer #2

I’ve had experiences where I predicted the future & I had experienced events where other people have predicted the future

Answer #3

Once my aunt was texting this guy, then odly he stopped texting, she was freaking out saying “He doesn’t wanna be involved with me anymore!” I said no he yes he does! I said he probably just fell asleep or his phone died. So soon I went back into my room, about a half an hour later she mumbled while walking into my room. “He fell asleep…then his phone died. But you got it down to the T!” I laughed to hard! I’ve warned her and my friends about certain things and something they thought wouldn’t happen, happened. I always got it right.

Answer #4

if anyone was they wouldn’t put it out to the world o.O

Answer #5

hey I have been practicing alotta of psychic tecniques for years and I m very experienced I have also made my own tecniques to get strted ill gladly teach you just contact me

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